Colorado News

PEAK: How national Dems mimicked Colorado scheme to reshuffle presidential race

(Colorado Peak Politics)

The Democrat Party has adopted Colorado’s vacancy committee scheme to scam voters nationwide by slipping an unelected presidential nominee into a bait-and-switch con that would make Bernie Madoff blush.

It’s clear that Democrat insiders including Veep Kamala Harris used a mentally unfit President Biden to get the party through an uncontested and bloodless primary election unscathed.

Then with only four months in the election calendar, Biden’s handlers turned out a clueless president to accept the ill-fated invitation to debate Trump.

CNN was wholly in charge of setting rules that would expose the sad consequences old age has on so many senior citizens, and Biden’s mental decline was finally exposed to party fat cat funders and Democrat voters.

It took longer than expected to force Biden’s hand to release his deathlike grip on the 3,900 party delegates he had won fair and square in 50 separate U.S. primary elections.

But on July 21, those election results evaporated like a puff of smoke and those tens of millions of votes were siphoned off to just a couple thousand Democrat Party insiders acting as a new national vacancy committee.

It went off without a hitch, because Democrats have been practicing that sleight of hand in Colorado now for years to install dozens of state legislators without a vote of the people.

Or as Democrats now call it, Democracy.

The recent cover photo of the Washington Examiner illustrates the Democrat Party’s version of “democracy.”

The scheme works in Colorado when a lawmaker resigns during the middle of their term.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Gaines: Xcel’s smart meter comedy tour not so funny

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

Did you get your smart meter from Xcel yet?  That’s the meter that lets Xcel do time of use pricing (and, if you ask me for my conspiratorial opinion, will let them have tighter control over demand management–i.e. controlling your energy consumption).

This smart meter lets Xcel charge different rates at different times of day.  When I say different here, I mean much higher. Electricity between 1 and 3 PM on weekdays goes at about twice the regular rate, and between 3 and 7 PM the price jumps to about three times the usual rate.  Like to run your AC between 1 PM and 7 PM on weekdays?  Like to do your laundry after work on a Thursday so your weekend is free from that chore?  Have the oven and stovetop going for a weeknight dinner?    Be ready to pay.

Opting out…for a price

After hearing stories from readers about bills tripling, and not wanting to eat cold cuts in the sweltering dark Monday to Friday, I was not too jazzed about getting a smart meter.  In reading up, I learned that you can opt out of it–for a cost of course.  If you opt out you pay an extra $12 or so a month and your unit price on electricity is slightly higher (though constant).  Oh, and when you move, you’ll get to pay Xcel to come out and install a smart meter, apparently regardless of whether the next occupant wants one or not.

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Video: Colorado’s Shedeur Sanders Talks Improving His Game Before 2024 CFB Season

(Bleacher Report)

BOULDER, COLORADO - APRIL 27: Quarterback Shedeur Sanders #2 of the Colorado Buffaloes throws during their spring game at Folsom Field on April 27, 2024 in Boulder, Colorado.  (Photo by Matthew Stockman/Getty Images)

Matthew Stockman/Getty Images

Colorado Buffaloes quarterback Shedeur Sanders said he is focusing on improving his footwork this offseason after getting sacked a college football-high 52 times in 2023.

“I would definitely say, one, really just working on footwork and everything, and rhythm, knowing the pre-snap, knowing actually post-snap reality of what’s going to happen,” Sanders told Shilo Sanders and Deion Sanders Jr. about his offseason focus on Tuesday’s episode of Overtime’s 2Legendary with Shedeur Sanders podcast (7: 20-mark.) “Just throughout the play, just go through progressions, and work on footwork, really.”

Shilo Sanders then asked Shedeur if he thought his footwork was good during Colorado’s 2023 campaign.

“No, it was good, but what I’m saying is, when you get sacked so many times… over and over and over and over, your footwork’s gonna be different than someone who hasn’t gotten sacked that many times,” the Buffaloes quarterback said.

Sanders continued: “People can say, ‘Oh, his footwork was off, he wasn’t throwing a rhythm.’ They’re not sitting there when that 275-pound, 300-pound tackle is running after you.”

Colorado is surrounding Sanders with a new-look offensive line this fall after the

This article was published at Bleacher Report. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

Colorado News

PEAK: Coloradans say gov health doesn’t work yet they want government to fix it

(Colorado Peak Politics)

A survey shows 90% of Coloradans believe the so-called affordable government run health insurance scheme known as Obamacare is too expensive and they want government to fix it.


It’s hard to blame people for their wayward thinking when the media fails on such a tragic level to keep their readers reliably informed instead of acting as a propaganda tool for Big Government.

The survey was sponsored by one of those rich progressive foundations whose names are said a lot on public radio that believes in a Big Government public healthcare system for the rest of us.

The poll questioned 1,400 Coloradans from March 26 through April 12. The results were reported by the Denver Gazette.

This is the big take-away:

Respondents said they strongly support government solutions, regardless of their political affiliation.

No one was asked if government helped create out-of-control costs or whether subsiding wildly inflated costs of life-saving drugs and medical care only made it even more expensive.

An overwhelming majority of households earning $50,000 to over $100,000 report worrying about the affordability of health care.

We don’t doubt it.

What’s unclear is whether they think government should clean up its mess and let the free market self-adjust to reasonable levels. Or, throw good money after bad and sink us all deeper into the abyss while politicians dole out election year promises to adjust the cost of maybe one or two medications.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Judge now rules he doesn’t have authority to stop vote ousting GOP leader

(Colorado Peak Politics)

After a last-minute order blocking a meeting and vote to oust state GOP chair Dave Williams, a Polis-appointed judge declared 11 days later that he had no jurisdiction to do so.

Oops. It was all just a misunderstanding.

With that next meeting and vote still weeks away, that means Williams’ little court stunt tied up Republicans and wasted their time for the month of August before a big election.

State party officials have done zip to get GOP candidates elected and hold back a Democrat super majority in the state legislature wherein Dems would have veto power over Gov. Polis.

And quite frankly, Republicans are better off without Williams’ help.

Now it’s up to the local party leaders that make up the 400 plus central committee to clean up Williams’ mess and install a new leader.

The meeting is expected to be held later this month in Brighton, instead of under a bridge in Bayfield.

The Colorado Sun, Colorado Politics, and Colorado Public Radio are all carrying the story today with the judge’s ruling that can be read here.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Caldara: Raise a glass to the Coors Foundation

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

When I was a kid, I’d collect old tin cans and the newfangled aluminum beer cans. My father would drive me down to the Coors distribution warehouse in Littleton. They’d weigh them and they gave me cash, real cash in my hand for recycling.

This was my first interaction with “Coors.”

Coors invented the completely recyclable aluminum beverage container. Now the marketplace standard, it saved more waste and pollution than an army of greenies banning shopping bags, and without any governmental mandates.

Later in life, my interactions with Coors included sneaking into my parents’ garage to sneak cans of Coors Light.

Family friends would come to visit from the East Coast, and they’d always drive away with a few cases of Coors in their trunk. This regional Western beer had such mystique that smuggling Coors out of state was the plot device for the hit movie “Smokey and the Bandit” (though the beer still holds up today, the movie doesn’t). When collecting cans and sneaking brew, I never could have imaged I’d grow up and get to know many of the Coors family including the team of elder statesmen brothers, Pete, Jeff and John.

Coors is Colorado. Colorado — where people would come to write their own biographies, free to work hard and take risk without waiting for permission. Coors and the Colorado character were linked. They shared the same brand: individualism. In 1975,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Trump headed to Colorado this week for mega fundraiser

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Donald Trump is crashing the wealthy progressive enclave of Aspen for a fundraiser and of course the mainstream media is publicizing all the hosts who would dare donate such huge sums of money to a (Gasp!) Republican.

If only the media put this much energy into discovering the identity of all those mega billionaire donors who forced President Biden out of the election, we would know who’s actually running this country.

Oh wait, the Trump fundraiser hosts are listed on the invitation. Transparency. Go figure.

The glitzy sold-out event is set for Saturday at a location known only to the donors. Not surprisingly, no one is returning the Denver Post’s calls for comment on the event.

From the Aspen Times, which broke the story:

The fundraiser, dubbed the “TRUMP 47 Dinner,” offers various levels of participation, ranging from $25,000 to $500,000 per couple. The highest tier, at $500,000, includes a spot on the Host Committee, a roundtable discussion, a photo opportunity, and VIP dinner seating.

Lower tiers offer perks such as photos and VIP seating for $100,000 and general dinner seating for $25,000.

We expect the delicate flowers that are Aspen’s lefty elitists will take to their fainting couches with a case of the vapors for the duration of Trump’s visit and leave the protesting to their highly educated and pre-programmed offspring.

Everyone else will be at work.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Colorado stuck with Polis as Harris chooses the other white guy

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Gov. Polis’s dreams of being Kamala Harris’s Number Two were shattered Tuesday with the news that an older straight white guy who leaned the farthest left of any contender won the veepstakes.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz out-dorked Polis by famously labeling Republicans as “weird,” which is just weird coming from a progressive who was endorsed by Bernie Sanders.

Harris/Cthulhu has a nice ring to it…

— Jared Polis (@jaredpolis) August 5, 2024

Walz was apparently chosen to be the white savior and help Kamala scoop up the remaining Caucasian dude voters in rural America who lean far left.

In choosing Walz over more moderate realistic contenders like U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly or Pennsylvania Gov. Shapiro, Harris doubled down on her far-left ideology while siding with radical pro-Palestinian protestors over Americans and Jews.

So when she tells you she’s progressive, you best belive her.

Walz is also known as a partisan and for his defense of sanctuary cities, letting Minneapolis burn during the 2020 riots that later became known as peaceful protests, and taxpayer funded socialist government programs.

Gobernador Jared Shutz-Polis @GovofCO @jaredpolis said “Harris/Cthulhu has a nice ring to it…”#copolitics #9news #heynext

— Kyle Snark (Parody) (@kyle_snark) August 6, 2024

Speaking of weird, Polis bizarrely promoted himself for the Veep seat in TV appearances,

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Armstrong: A property rights double standard for religion

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

If you explore the Google mapping around The Rock church in Castle Rock, you can tell exactly what the problem is with the church setting up RVs in its lot for temporary housing. Rich people who surround the church in their fancy houses do not wish to live near poor people in their crappy shelters. I mean, gross.

And the rich people wish to use the guns of local government to keep those poor people out. What’s the point of building an expensive megachurch right in the middle of a high-end HOA (but just outside its boundaries) if you’re just going to let poor people in?

Separation of church and town

The July 19 federal district court decision by Judge Daniel Domenico offers a good run-down of the relevant facts. “Planned Development” zoning “regulations were initially negotiated in 2003 in order to facilitate the annexation of the Church property into the Town of Castle Rock. Though the PD regulations allow the Church to use the property for ‘Church and related uses,’ they do not specifically indicate whether camping in RVs or trailers is allowed on the property.”

On November 10, 2021, the town’s zoning manager sent the church a “notice of zoning violation” for maintaining temporary shelters on church property. The church, citing the Bible, said that caring for the poor falls under “Church and related uses.” Domenico continues: “After some additional back-and-forth between the Church and the Town .

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Colorado News

PEAK: Judge to rule if Colo GOP can hold emergency meetings on the moon

(Colorado Peak Politics)

State Republicans will finally have their day in court Tuesday as a judge decides whether locally elected party leaders have the right as described in the bylaws to hold a vote and remove state chair Dave Williams.

District Court Judge Thomas W. Henderson in Arapahoe County put a temporary restraining order on local leaders less than 24 hours before the July 27 vote, which grassroots members from across the state had already committed to attending.

It was a minor inconvenience as 120 people showed up anyway to discuss party problems and hear from possible chair replacements.

PeakNation™ will recall the judge is a Gov. Polis appointee, and that the restraining order and court action to stop the vote was sought by Williams.

Complaints about Williams’ mishandling of the party finances are many and the most serious charges against him.

He spent tens of thousands of dollars to promote his own congressional campaign, which he lost. And polluted the neutral spirit of the chairmanship by taking sides in the primary elections and then spending party money on some preferred candidates.

The party’s become a laughingstock, which makes it even harder to get Republicans elected. Full stop. We mean it. Stop.

Williams lawyers he hired with party funds to sue the (checks notes) party will claim the chairman fulfilled the bylaws requirement by holding the meeting that central committee members demanded via petition.

That would be this sham of a meeting vice chair Hope Scheppelman held beneath a bridge in the far reaches of the southwest corner of the state in Bayfield,

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