Colorado News

PEAK: Toxic Democrat environment forces out another Colorado lawmaker

(Colorado Peak Politics)

A progressive lawmaker from Brighton dropped out of her toss-up reelection race Friday saying she could no longer serve in the toxic environment manifested by a Democrat-controlled state House.

Jennifer Parenti represents District 19 that includes portions of Boulder and Weld Counties and will finish her term that ends in January.

She ran unopposed in the June Democrat Party primary and was set to face Republican Dan Woong in the November General Election, whom she defeated in 2022.

Her replacement in that election will be chosen by … wait for it … a vacancy committee of Democrat Party insiders.

It’s the Democrat way. No need to involve voters in their brand of democracy.

Under the leadership of the most diverse group of Democrats in the history of the legislature, the State House is marred by personal agendas and special interests that soil the efforts of thoughtful discussions and ethical standards, Parenti said as she threw another log on the dumpster fire that has become the Democrat Party

“This work attracts people with great passions and ambitions, and the last two years we had the most diverse group of people and ideas the legislature has ever seen,” Parenti wrote. “I had hoped that we could seize this moment given to the legislature to usher in a new culture — one that supported its new and diverse voices, promoted thoughtful and intentional discussion, ensured every district had a seat at the table in drafting important legislation and above all else promoted ethical standards of behavior befitting our offices.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Westminster council to take up ordinance opting-out of ‘sensitive spaces’ gun ban

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

WESTMINSTER–The Monday, July 22 agenda for the Westminster City Council includes discussion of an “opt-out” ordinance to the new Colorado state law banning the carrying of any firearms in certain areas gun control advocates refer to as “sensitive spaces.”

Monday’s meeting will focus on allowing the carrying of a firearm by concealed handgun permit (CHP) holders in the local government municipal building of Westminster, a home-rule municipality of around 116,000 residents in north-metro Denver.

Senate Bill 24-131, “Prohibiting carrying firearms in sensitive spaces,” was approved by Gov. Jared Polis on May 31, 2024, and has been in effect statewide as of July 1, 2024. The law bans the carrying of guns, either open or concealed, in numerous places such as government  buildings, colleges and universities, courthouses, and schools.

The bill also includes a section that allows local Colorado governments to opt-out of the ban if they choose.

As previously reported by Complete Colorado, numerous local government have, or are are working towards opting-out of the law, including  Douglas, Logan, Routt, and Weld counties, as well as municipalities such as Palmer Lake and Monument in El Paso County, and Castle Rock in Douglas County.

The ordinance comes at the request of City Councilman David DeMott, a Westminster native and father of 4, who says that he is not asking for Westminster to be complacent toward gun violence, but rather focus on solutions that will provide effective protection.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Hickenlooper makes outlandish statement. Was he drunk?

(Colorado Peak Politics)

While Democrats are on the topic of politicians stepping aside because their brain has fermented for too long, someone should do a wellness check on U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper.

The Colorado Democrat was trying to dodge questions from a reporter as to whether President Biden should abandon the party’s duly elected nomination.

Not because Biden’s unable to perform the duties of office, Democrats and the media would have us believe, but because of poor polling numbers.

Drunk on hyperbole and probably beer, Hickenlooper edged up to the precipice of ridiculousness and teetered on the proclamation that Biden was in fact the greatest president of his generation.

From the Reuters interview:

“He’s been one of the greatest presidents, perhaps the greatest president of my lifetime.”

Limiting it to Hickenlooper’s 72-year lifetime, and Democrats, that would make Joe Biden a greater president than John F. Kennedy or even the Democrat demigod Barack Obama.

Cut him off bartender and call Uber. Hickenlooper’s obviously soused.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Leak reveals Colorado lawmaker lied about ‘robust’ conversation with Biden

(Colorado Peak Politics)

President Biden’s campaign is leaking like a sieve to kick the old man to the curb now that the jig is up after U.S. voters witnessed his mental fragility on full display during the debate.

Republicans have watched Biden’s failing condition for years while the White House and Democrats accused Fox News of somehow editing video of the exact same public events covered by all media.

Only Democrat voters were fooled and misled into reelecting Biden in primaries across the nation.

And now that the curtain’s been pulled back to reveal a sad and mentally frail old man incapable of protecting our country from foreign enemies like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, Democrat lawmakers want to usurp their own democratic process.

Case in point, Colorado U.S. Rep. Jason Crow appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday morning the day after a Zoom call between Biden and Democrat lawmakers including Crow to convince the president to drop out.

The Denver Post reports Crow said he had a “’robust call’ with Biden but pushed back on the idea it was a sign of disunity in the party.”

And yet what Crow experienced was not a healthy and strong conversation, but a typical eruption of Biden’s struggle with reality that took days for a leak to finally expose.

Crow wasn’t wrong when he told Biden that voters are worried about our national security — with Biden in charge.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Colorado’s Democrat delegates likely to stick with Biden at convention

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Colorado’s Democrat delegates going to the national party convention next month appear committed to sticking with the presidential candidate elected by the state’s voters — Joe Biden.

That’s according to a random and unscientific survey of less than a quarter of those delegates by The Colorado Sun.

Even those who don’t feel strongly about Biden’s candidacy signaled they are willing to go along with their party’s official rule that reads, “All delegates to the National Convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.”

Doing otherwise would be (checks notes) undemocratic. And Democrats these days are all about Democracy.

Not like that time in 2016 when Bernie Sanders won the Democrat primary in Colorado with 41 delegates to 25 delegates for Hillary Clinton.

Then the state’s uncommitted superdelegates used their super powers to hand the win to Hillary.

The Democrat Party changed their rules to prevent that from happening again, so this time superdelegates including all of Colorado’s congressional delegation won’t be allowed to cast ballots in the first round of voting at the convention roll call that will likely determine the nomination.

Of the 213 Democrats in the U.S. House, only 20 have demanded Biden step aside including U.S. Rep. Brittany Pettersen of Colorado.

Colorado will be sending 87 delegates to the Democrat National Convention in Chicago that begins on Aug.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Rep. Jason Crow routinely attacks Trump, now wants ‘breather’ from heated political rhetoric

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

DENVER —Hot on the heels of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, Colorado’s 6th Congressional District Representative Jason Crow went on national television to call for a cooling down of political rhetoric, but his own history of attacks against Trump, including in just past several weeks, sing a very different tune.

It’s part of a larger national debate where some – including members of the media – are questioning whether Democrats’ rhetoric against the 45th President of the United States since the 2020 election stirred the pot enough to lead to the events of July 13.

In a June 28 post on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Crow acknowledges President Biden’s poor debate performance, then goes on to say: “Trump is a pathological liar and an existential threat to democracy. We know the damage he will do to our county.  We can’t let him win.”

Click to enlarge

Similarly, in a July 15 interview, 9 News reporter Marshall Zelinger questions Crow about the meaning behind another X post from June 11th where Crow says “We can’t forget Jan. 6. We can’t forget Trump incited a mob to storm the capitol. We can’t forget Trump is a threat to democracy.”

Zelinger asked him what he meant by “we can’t forget.”

“I think it’s important we recognize what’s happened the last few years,” Crow said. “There will be an election in about three and a half months that determine with path we go.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Caldara: How many Coloradans will green energy kill?

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

(You can listen to this column, read by the author, here.)

How many people might green energy kill this summer?

If you are reading this column in a comfortably air-conditioned room on a stifling hot day, thank fossil fuels.

I’ll spell it out: Green energy is weather-dependent. And, though Colorado recently baked with triple digit temperatures, there was little wind blowing to spin windmills that would normally provide 28% of our energy.

True, the wind might be blowing in some other area of the country, and some of that electricity might make it to Colorado, but during a nationwide hot spell most of that wind power is gobbled up where it’s made.

About 63% of electricity generated in Colorado comes from fossil fuels, mostly coal or natural gas. That’s right, your tax-subsidized, virtue-signaling Tesla, the one you just had to buy the “electric vehicle” vanity license plates for to make sure we all know your Telsa is electric, runs mostly off fossil fuels — you know like a freakin’ car.

And those ugly fuels were the only thing keeping your lights on and your beer cold during the heat wave.

For many Coloradans it’s not just a glass of Chablis that fossil fuels cool. Hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people, including the handicapped and elderly who need air conditioning, refrigeration to keep their medications and food safe,

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Colorado News

PEAK: No discipline set for Colo teacher who mocked assassination hit

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Teachers have a right to their political opinion in their personal lives.

But condoning violence of any kind, especially the assassination attempt on a former president and current presidential nominee, crosses the line of basic human decency.

And yet that was the response of JeffCo Public Schools teacher Jennifer Ripper to the shocking event on Saturday that left President Trump and two others injured, and one man dead.

She mocked and condoned domestic terrorism on her Facebook page.

By jumping into the fray in the public square of social media, Ripper exhibited a lack of personal discipline, compassion, and brought into question her professionalism as a teacher of young children.

Her comments have caused a public uproar across social media.

Meet Jennifer Ripper, a teacher at Semper Elementary School in @JeffcoSchoolsCo. She’s very sad that the sh**ter missed.

Any comment @JeffcoSchoolsCo?

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 15, 2024

And in refusing to take any basic disciplinary action against her, JeffCo Public Schools signals they condone her behavior.

The Denver Gazette reports Ripper is listed as a special education teacher at Semper Elementary and the school district confirmed she is an employee.

“Please know that Jeffco Public Schools does not endorse violence of any kind,” the district said in a statement to The Denver Gazette.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Colorado Democrat lawmaker scolded by Biden in weekend Zoom call

(Colorado Peak Politics)

U.S. Rep. Jason Crow got scolded by Joe Biden during a weekend Zoom meeting with Democrats whom the president accused of not working hard enough on his behalf to prop up his flailing presidential campaign.

The New York Times reports on the call with “moderate Democrats,” which came an hour before the assassination attempt on former President Trump at a Pennsylvania rally.

During the 30-minute call, the president offered no new strategy, grew angry when pressed by Representative Jason Crow of Colorado about his political standing and brushed away Representative Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania when she told him he was trailing in her state by four to five percentage points, according to two people who participated in the call.

Here are the recent Pennsylvania polls posted on Real Clear Politics that proved Houlahan’s point, but apparently Dr. Jill and Hunter aren’t letting their Big Boy see this:

The Times continued:

Mr. Biden implied his weakness was their fault, telling the lawmakers that they needed to do a better job of promoting his legislative accomplishments. “You all have to do a better job of sharing the successes I got done,” one lawmaker recounted the president saying. “No one knows.”

Sorry Joe, we’re all too familiar with your accomplishments in opening the border to 10 million unchecked immigrants, spending our tax dollars like a drunken lawmaker sending inflation spiraling, and using government to harass your political enemies.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Polis blows off Biden’s call to cool political rhetoric in casting Veep pick as fascist

(Colorado Peak Politics)

So much for President Biden’s call to cool the political rhetoric following an assassin’s attempt on former President Trump’s life that killed an innocent bystander and wounded three others including Trump.

Biden told Americans to “cool it down” — politics is an arena for peaceful debate, not a killing field.

Feeling all cute and peaceful just a couple days later, Gov. Polis retweeted this comment on X that called vice presidential pick U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance and his Ohio voters a bunch of fascists.

2 days after an assassination attempt and the governor of Colorado re-posts a rabid leftist organization basically calling JD Vance a fascist.

It’s fucking unbelievable. #copolitics

cc: @libsoftiktok @EndWokeness

— schotts 🇺🇸 (@schotts) July 15, 2024

Hey @jaredpolis is fascism in the room with you right now?
Jared Polis is basically making up for Steve Woodrow’s hate right now.

— Pathofmostresistance (@Pathofmostresi1) July 16, 2024

Democrat state party chairman Shad Murib was more gracious, if not delusional, in his reaction to the news of Trump’s Veep pick.

— Jeff Hunt (@jeffhunt) July 16, 2024

We predict Vance will debate Veep Harris’s word salad vomit into a corner where she will be finally unburdened by what has been.

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