Colorado News

PEAK: Hispanic newspaper criticizes pop-up election party in Aurora of 4,000 Venezuelans

(Colorado Peak Politics)

The difference between Venezuelan and U.S. voters; when the South Americans threaten to leave their country if a presidential candidate they oppose is elected, they act on it.

More than seven million Venezuelans have high-tailed it out of their homeland since socialist President Nicolás Maduro was installed more than a decade ago, with an estimated half million migrating to the U.S. through legal and illegal means.

So it was with some gusto that 4,000 Venezuelans held the largest election watch party, ever, along Havana Street in Aurora, overflowing a nearby shopping center parking lot.

Police monitored the mass gathering that disrupted businesses and prompted stores to close early, while social media lit up like a Christmas tree with reports of shots fired and numerous other complaints.

9News covered the massive pop-up party by mocking elected officials who expressed concerns and shared criticisms about the disruptions and the mess it caused.

Kyle Clark and Marshall Zelinger, self-appointed judge and jury, concluded that allegations of anything amiss were not valid unless they were provided video proof.

And how dare Mayor Coffman ask for an apology, the duo huffed.

And yet, the number one news publication for Hispanics in Colorado has called on Aurora officials to find and punish the instigators of the mass gathering.

Jesús Sánchez Meleán, the editor of El Comerio de Colorado,

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Colorado News

PEAK: New rankings favor victories for key Colorado GOP congressional races

(Colorado Peak Politics)

One of the legendary political prognosticators of the Washington Beltway is shaking up key congressional races in Colorado with two major rating changes that bode well for Republicans.

Larry Sabato of the Center for Politics has shifted Democrat U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo’s reelection bid in the new 8th Congressional District from “Leans Democrat” to “Toss-up.”

And on the Western Slope where Republican nominee Jeff Hurd is taking on Aspen liberal Adam Frisch for the 3rd district seat, the ranking moves squarely to GOP territory as a likely Republican win.

“Yadira Caraveo has voted against her district over and over again, and now it’s come back to bite her,” said Delanie Bomar, spokesperson for the National Republican Congressional Committee. Coloradans are sick of the migrant and fentanyl crises and sky-high inflation, showing a big opening for Gabe Evans to flip this seat red in November.”

Sabato says Republicans are bullish about flipping the 8th district seat for Evans but that he will need outside help from Republican funders as Caraveo is rolling in the dough.

From the report:

It seems to rank as a better GOP target than many of the other seats in our Leans Democratic column. The district voted for Biden in 2020 by about 4.5 points, roughly matching his national margin, but it backed Trump by a couple of points in 2016 and was bluer for president in 2008 and 2012 than it was in 2020.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Caldara: Colorado legislature anti-choice when it comes to your wallet

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

Maybe you disagree, but I think competition and innovation are good things because, though they cause disruptions, consumers win.

The Colorado legislature strongly disagrees. If there were an award for sabotaging financial innovation and harming consumers, they’d be giving an acceptance speech right now.

Please don’t let the coming bureaucratic jargon scare you off. It starts with the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (DIDMCA). Enacted in 1980, this federal law allows state-chartered banks to offer interest rates to folks in other states based on the laws in their home state. It’s a neat way to keep the financial market competitive and prevent states from turning into financial backwaters

But Colorado, in its infinite wisdom, is trying to opt out of this federal, pro-competition law with House Bill 23-1229.

For people living in Colorado, it basically means no marketplace for loans that cross state lines.

HB 1229 built a Great Wall of China around Colorado’s financial services sector to keep Mongol out-of-state banks away. That’s peachy protectionism for the banks that now don’t have to worry about competitors. Not so great for, well, humans. We humans like choices, even humans who are poor.

Like so many restrictions from our state’s leftist leaders, the concept of “pro-choice” is only meant for your body, not your wallet.

HB 1229 aims to cap interest rates charged by out-of-state banks, effectively kicking them out of Colorado while labeling it as a consumer protection.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Colo Dem who prosecuted Trump now tasked to investigate assassination attempt

(Colorado Peak Politics)

House Democrats would have us believe they’re feeling bipartisan since the near assassination of former President Trump and are as determined as Republicans to find answers.

That’s why they voted in favor of a bipartisan task force to investigate what the FBI now describes as a domestic terrorist attack and get some answers.

But which answers are Democrats seeking, is what we’d like to know.

It’s not just that we’re cynical — because we are — or conspiratorial.

But naming Colorado U.S. Rep. Jason Crow as the ranking Democrat on this so-called “bipartisan” panel?

The choice in this election couldn’t be more clear.

Harris: the future vs Trump: the past

Harris: the prosecutor vs Trump: the felon

Harris: the unifier vs Trump: the divider

— Jason Crow (@JasonCrowCO) July 25, 2024

Has Washington and the media already forgotten that Crow is one of the leading torch bearers in the Democrat Party’s numerous and sundry witch trials against Trump?

We haven’t.

PeakNation™ will recall Crow was one of the House impeachment prosecutors against Trump in 2020.

Crow was part of a group of Democratic House members who co-authored an opinion article in September that triggered the impeachment inquiry. The first-term lawmakers, who share military and national security backgrounds, called on Congress to determine whether Trump had withheld military aid to Ukraine to encourage an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden,

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Armstrong: Don’t take civilization for granted

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

I did not sleep well after watching the film Civil War, about a violent conflict within the United States. In the film, a rogue soldier slaughters people he does not regard as “real Americans,” then dumps them in a mass grave. Some journalists covering the horror are torn between their mission to hold up a mirror to society and their quest for the adrenaline rush of embedding themselves in the action to get the sensational scoop.

I watched this film, as my son slept peacefully in his bed, fully aware that Dave Williams, chair of the State Republican Party, publicly anticipated civil war if “election fraud,” a fiction of his vivid imagination, continues. Aware that influential Republican activist Joe Oltmann has urged his followers to “go get our guns” and “do bad things to bad people” because allegedly “they’re going to steal the election in November.” Aware that an Ohio legislator anticipated civil war while speaking at a rally for Donald Trump and J. D. Vance (he later “regretted” his “divisive remarks”). Aware that, on the morning of the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol, Rep. Lauren Boebert Tweeted, “Today is 1776.” Aware that numerous Republicans called for civil war if Trump were convicted of his crimes (as he has been).

Often we take peace for granted. We take civilization for granted.

Recently, as my son attended museum camp, I walked briskly through the zoo,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Steve Scalise hosts Colo GOP fundraising event for Evans and Crank

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Republican House Majority Leader Steve Scalise is hosting a fundraising event in Denver Tuesday for congressional GOP nominees Jeff Crank and Gabe Evans.

The event starts at 4:30 p.m. at Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse, and contribution levels vary from $500 to $5,000.

Crank is the nominee and expected winner in the mostly conservative 5th Congressional District that includes Colorado Springs.

Evans is the Republican’s choice to take on Democrat freshman U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo in the state’s new 8th District. Caraveo has a huge cash advantage over Evans with $3.5 million in the bank.

Both races were identified by the National Republican Congressional Committee this week as the most competitive in the nation, which means they will get additional campaign support from the party.

“Extreme House Democrats like Yadira Caraveo and Adam Frisch have fueled the border, crime and cost of living crises that are wreaking havoc on Coloradans’ safety and security. Gabe Evans and Jeff Hurd are in a prime position to help grow our House majority in November,” NRCC spokeswoman Delanie Bomar said in a statement.

The Young Gun program mentors and supports candidates in 26 races across the country to provide them with the necessary tools to run successful, winning campaigns against their Democratic opponents, the statement said.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Grassroots GOP moves forward to remove leader despite order by Polis-appointed judge

(Colorado Peak Politics)

A district judge appointed last year by Democrat Gov. Jared Polis put the brakes on an effort by Colorado Republicans to replace their party leadership by issuing a restraining order to halt an emergency weekend meeting.

Arapahoe County District Judge Thomas W. Henderson issued the order Friday on the heels of growing opposition among the party’s grassroots, and local leaders, the party’s congressional nominees, even U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert.

But the court order didn’t intimidate more than 100 Republicans from showing up anyway on Saturday to better organize their effort and to hear from multiple Republicans now running to replace Williams.

Announced candidates so far include Eli Bremer, State Rep. Richard Holtorf, Routt County Treasurer Brita Horn, and Douglas County GOP chair Steve Peck.

The state party leader has been missing in action since his defeat in the June primary election for Congress representing the Colorado Springs area.

Williams faces credible accusations of spending the party’s money on his own campaign, and angered the base by picking winners and losers in the party primaries and telling voters who they could and could not support. Nearly all of Williams’ endorsements were rejected by voters and lost.

Instead of puling the party together, Williams continues to pull it apart, say his critics, including Boebert.

Rather than show up and defend himself, Williams is taking his own party to court … before a Polis-appointed judge. His offenses just keep piling up.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Polis sinks to desperate new low for Kamala’s attention

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Jared Polis is proving there’s nothing more pitiable than a desperate old balding gay Jewish guy struggling for attention to be Kamala Harris’s running mate.

We haven’t seen this level of obsequiousness from Colorado’s governor since, well …

¡Feliz Navidad Colorado!

— Gobernador Jared Polis (@GovofCoEspanol) December 25, 2023

Polis’s news interviews and social media accounts are filled with ridiculous accolades for the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, asked if he’d accept offer to serve as vp for Harris, quips:

“Look, if they if they do the polling and it turns out that they need a 49-year-old, bald and gay Jew from Boulder, Colorado, they got my number.” @DanaBashCNN: “😆😆. That was very funny.”

— Jacob N. Kornbluh (@jacobkornbluh) July 22, 2024

Like this claim that Harris made “significant progress” to secure the border, when she and Biden where the ones who obliterated the Trump administration rules and portions of the actual wall that secured the border.

This goes beyond spin and political fibs. Polis’s statement is downright delusional.

We fed it into our fact machine and the contraption imploded and melted into Earth’s core. A priest is on his way to make sure it didn’t accidentally open the gates to Hell.

Here’s what Polis said:

And here’s a handy little chart comparing the Trump era to the Biden-Harris administration.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Sharf: Collective bargaining ballot measure a bad deal for Denver

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

On Monday, July 15, the Denver City Council agreed to refer to a voters a measure hugely expanding the number of public employees who would qualify for collective bargaining.

The measure would confer bargaining rights on “employees of executive agencies and departments under the Mayor,” and, “employees of Denver Water, the Denver Library, the City Council, the County Court, the Civil Service Commission, the Board of Adjustment and certain employees of the Auditor and Clerk and Recorder.”  All of these employees would also gain a right to strike, except for the County Court and Denver Water.

Naturally, the summary of the bill in the agenda emphasizes libraries and Denver Water, and no doubt those will be front-and-center in the ballot language.

The ballot measure continues a years-long trend in Colorado of increasing the power of public employee unions and will likely have the same effect of increasing costs at the expense of citizens.

In 2020, in the midst of a pandemic where government employees faced limited furloughs and virtually no layoffs, Gov. Jared Polis signed House Bill 20-1153, allowing state employees to collectively bargain through Colorado WINS.  Two years later, Polis signed Senate Bill 22-230, requiring counties with populations of at least 7,500 to recognize and negotiate with public employee unions.  And last year, he signed Senate Bill 23-111, letting city, school, and public university employees lay all of the groundwork for unionizing.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Even the Supreme Court can’t save Tina Peters. Her trial starts Monday

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Mesa County’s former clerk and recorder Tina Peters goes on trial Monday for charges related to the 2020 election after the Supreme Court this week refused to hear her plea for an emergency intervention.

That would be the same U.S. Supreme Court that lefties always complain is in the pockets of Big Conservative.

The court they have demanded the Biden/Harris administration bring under their yoke of collectivist radical progressivism where everyone is more equal than somebody else.

The Supreme Court justice who denied Peters’ request was Colorado’s own Neil Gorsuch, who was nominated by (checks notes) Donald Trump.

PeakNation™ will recall Peters got into loads of trouble over leaked voting machine passwords when she tried, and failed bigly to prove election machine tampering.

She faces seven felonies for conspiring to commit criminal impersonation, identity theft, and trying to influence a public servant, plus several misdemeanor charges for violating her duties and official misconduct.

Peters pled not guilty in September 2022.

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