Colorado News

PEAK: Media twist on vicious dog story won’t keep Noem from Jefferson Co GOP event

(Colorado Peak Politics)

The proverb that if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is, still holds true in politics today.

Like when Democrats spread stories about Republicans that are too horrific to be true, it’s usually because it is.

Case in point, it took three days for South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem to go from vice presidential contender to puppy killer.

The likely death of her political career is all thanks to a British tabloid that took liberties with her account of a vicious dog that could not be trained out of its dangerous behavior and had to be put down.

It was not a puppy, and it’s a sad story — in context.

Unfortunately for Noem, the U.S. media have zero intention of adding the context, of which The Guardian added just enough to see through the hype.

Jefferson County Republicans are embracing SD Gov Kristi Noem’s puppy-killing controversy, saying she’ll discuss “the animal killings” when she keynotes their Saturday fundraiser. #copolitics

— Kyle Clark (@KyleClark) April 30, 2024

Stripping away the emotion of the story, included in a yet-to-be-released book the tabloid claims to have obtained, it’s a tragic event Noem recounts about her hunting dog that turned vicious on too many occasions.

After the 14-month-old wirehair pointer turned on her, she faced a decision dog owners dread.

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Colorado News National Headlines

Colorado Police Officer Arrested for Long List of Offenses, Including Sexual Assault


A Glenwood Springs, Colorado police officer is facing multiple charges for felony sexual assault and a slew of other offenses. The charges are related to “alleged acts [that] occurred while the officer was off-duty” and outside of the city according to a news release.

Police Officer Sean Tatro was serving as a school resource officer when he allegedly committed the crimes. He is no longer on active duty and is currently being held in the Garfield County Jail on a $25,000 bond.

The officer has been charged with felony sexual assault, felony contributing to the delinquency of a minor, felony menacing, felony use of a stun gun in the commission of a crime, felony second-degree assault, misdemeanor harassment, misdemeanor third-degree assault, and misdemeanor reckless endangerment.

Glenwood Police Chief Joseph Deras said that if the charges are proven, “the administrative consequences from the city and the police department will be swift and deliberate.”

He also said the police department “is steadfast in our commitment to our community and to policing with integrity and compassion.

The victim of Tatro’s alleged crimes reported several instances of domestic violence between January and April of 2024.

During one incident reported in March 2024, the victim told investigators that she had been arguing with Tatro, who had been drinking, and that he used a stun gun on her left leg, the affidavit says.

A Silt Police Department officer also reported seeing Tatro, whom he recognized, driving his car recklessly around a woman attempting to walk away in the parking lot of Anytime Fitness at 800 Airport Road in Rifle in April 2023, the affidavit says.

The officer said he was given more information by another officer and determined Tatro was trying to intimidate the woman, which included driving around the parking lot several times while cutting between vehicles and through handicap signposts “so fast [the officer] was surprised Sean did not hit anything,” the affidavit reads.

The woman told investigators that Tatro’s behavior during that incident scared her and that she thought he was going to hit her, the affidavit says.

The victim told investigators she had smoked a significant amount of marijuana with Tatro, and that he said she better not report him because he has a way of passing drug tests, the af

This article was published at Red State. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

Colorado News

PEAK: State senator faces ethics complaint for showing up drunk at hot button meeting

(Colorado Peak Politics)

A Democrat state senator faces an ethics complaint for showing up drunk at a meeting packed with angry constituents about her bill that paved the way for the state’s plan to house sex offenders near a school.

The Northglenn City Council will vote Wednesday on whether to approve the ethics complaint against Faith Winter and forward it to the state senate majority leader for action.

The complaint said folks attending the meeting could smell alcohol on her breath and noted her slurred speech and glassy eyes.

“… (A)s a result she also appeared at various times disinterested, annoyed, and combative.”

Her conduct “undermined the integrity of her office as a senator representing the constituents of the city, and demonstrated an inability to perform her legislative duties in a manner that promotes public confidence,” the resolution states.

PeakNation™ will recall that Winter admitted the next morning she was intoxicated and claimed to have entered rehab for treatment.

And by rehab, it turns out she meant she was just staying home for a while “under medical supervision.”

Winter only missed six days of session, according to Senate voting records.

Meanwhile, the state finally agreed with Northglenn residents that a halfway house for sex offenders so close to their school was probably a bad idea and decided against that location.

Unfortunately, the new Polis administration rule isn’t much better,

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Armstrong: Colorado at the precipice

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

The legislature is playing “Dems Gone Wild,” and the Republicans, having destroyed their own party, can offer no serious resistance. This is Colorado’s basic political problem. Is there still time to set Colorado back on the path of personal and economic liberty?

A heritage of liberty

Yes, a lot of Colorado’s history is decidedly non-libertarian, using that term loosely. Start with the abuse of Native peoples, including the Sand Creek Massacre. Original proposals for statehood did not allow black people to vote, and other racist policies continued into statehood. In 1880 a white mob rioted in Denver’s Chinatown. Colorado once was home to robust eugenics and Klan movements.

Still, Colorado culture also bears the deep grooves of liberty. Black leaders including William Jefferson Hardin, Barney Ford, and Joseph H. Stuart fought for equal rights. Colorado was the first state to achieve women’s suffrage, in 1893.

During the second World War, Republican governor Ralph Carr opposed the internment of Japanese Americans and spoke eloquently of equal rights for all. He said, “If a majority may deprive a minority of its freedom, contrary to the terms of the Constitution today, then you as a minority may be subjected to the same ill-will of the majority tomorrow. . . . An American citizen of Japanese descent has the same rights as any other citizen. . . . If you harm them,

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Video: Deion, Shedeur Sanders Attend Lil Wayne Performance After Colorado Spring Game

(Bleacher Report)

College Football: Colorado head coach Deion Sanders talks with quarterback Shedeur Sanders (2) vs Arizona at Folsom Field. 
Boulder, CO 11/11/2023 
CREDIT: Erick W. Rasco (Photo by Erick W. Rasco/Sports Illustrated via Getty Images) 
(Set Number: X164462)

Set Number: X164462

Colorado head coach Deion Sanders adopted the work hard, play hard concept for his team’s spring game this year.

The Buffs took the field Saturday for their annual intrasquad scrimmage. The event included a postgame concert from Lil Wayne. Sanders and son Shedeur were both on hand for the show.

While Colorado hasn’t finalized its roster for the 2024 season, the spring game was the first opportunity for fans to get a first glimpse at what’s another drastically different outfit.

“I feel like we got all the negative energy out the building, so now it’s just a positive vibe now,” Shedeur said after the game, per The Athletic’s Christopher Kamrani. “There’s no real complaining. We’ve got to go out there and play with a clear mind.”

Lil Wayne wasn’t the only celebrity who made the trip to Boulder, Colorado. Fresh off his upset of Devin Haney, boxer Ryan Garcia was in attendance and wore a Buffs jersey. Maybe Coach Prime took some pointers from the 25-year-old on how to make the most of your underdog status.

This article was published at Bleacher Report. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

Colorado News

PEAK: Free food fails to generate more pro protest protesters after standoff with Mayor Fascist

(Colorado Peak Politics)

There will be free food at the revolution.

one group organizing the Auraria campus pro-Hamas idiocy is SDS (Students for a Democratic Society).
wait. wut?
no, not your grandpa’s SDS that birthed the 70s Weather Underground of Bill Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn.
it’s a bunch of GenZ/millennial LARPERS.

— Larimer County Republican Party (@LarimerGOP) April 29, 2024

And yet the offer still didn’t draw more than a couple hundred students from a campus population of some 42,000.

Apparently, the revolution is very short-staffed in Colorado during final exams.

Denver Mayor Johnston made a brief appearance on the occupied lawn Friday night long enough to tell protestors their tents violated campus policy.

He gave them 30 minutes to disassemble the tents, assuring them, “We have no desire to make arrests.”

To which one protestor responded: “You fucking fascist!”

Democrat Mayor of Denver Mike Johnston went to the pro-Hamas encampment at Auraria campus yesterday and begged protesters to dismantle everything and just protest like normal.

Unsurprisingly, this accomplished

— Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸 (@Bubblebathgirl) April 27, 2024

Throughout history, famous fascists like Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler were notorious for their ruthless assaults on the pop-up tents of privileged college students.

Despite Johnston’s anti-tent demands, the pro protest protesters remain defiant against The Man in their shaded encampments,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Communist and former FBI fugitive feeds BS to Colorado protestors

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Colorado kids are celebrating student loan forgiveness by skipping classes to protest this election year’s social outrage — the plight of the Palestinian people who want to obliterate Israel from the river to the sea.

This is what happens when a generation declares history is white-washed garbage and then repeats atrocities because lessons learned where so quickly erased.

Lessons like WWII and socialist Nazi Germany exterminating Jews.

And Communism.

College kids camping in solidarity with Hamas were sticking it to the man over the weekend when noted communist, Black Panther, and celebrated former FBI fugitive Angela Davis stopped by the Auraria Campus in Denver to pump up the hate.

Davis urged the white saviors to do what those brown people have failed to since the Palestinian ethnicity was created 100 years ago; free them from the oppression of Jews who first settled that land more than 3,000 years ago.

“I want to emphasize what this means for history,” Davis told a crowd of more than 200 while visiting campus after speaking at Colorado College on Friday. “As you imagine this period being narrated 10 years, 20 years, 50 years from now, you will be the historical actors who made it possible for a breakthrough in the struggle against Zionism, the struggle to free Palestine.”

The event was ridiculously romanticized by the media idealizing the boomer as a freedom fighter, but her history is a little more complicated.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Rosen: The political weaponization of phobias

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

The clinical definition of “phobia” is a psychiatric disorder related to “an irrational, excessive, and persistent fear of some particular thing or situation.”  Examples are Acrophobia: a fear of heights, Claustrophobia: fear of confined spaces, Octophobia: fear of the figure 8, Cyberphobia: fear of computers, Ablutophobia: fear of bathing, Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: fear of long words, and Phobophobia: fear of phobias. (I’m not making this up.)

A second definition is a fear or hatred of someone or something, that may not be a psychosis. It’s used as a suffix, “phobe.”  A Francophobe is one who fears or hates France or its people.  (A Francophile loves France or the French.)

The key points here are “irrational,” “fear,” and “hatred.”  You can dislike or disapprove of someone or something but not irrationally or hatefully.  Although fear can also be rational and justified, as can hatred.  This column isn’t just about semantics (the meaning of language), it’s mostly about the shrewd and manipulative use of contrived phobias as a tool of political propaganda.

First, some history.  In 1969, a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in New York City, triggered the Stonewall Riot, a protest that fired up the modern gay rights movement.  Our culture has come a long way since then.  For the most part, but not universally, it accepts and respects gays, along with same-sex marriage.  But that’s not my issue here. I’m just analyzing political tactics.  Stonewall is where I mark the start of the political weaponizing of the words “phobia” and “phobe” by the gay rights movement,

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Gaines: Consumers looking like losers in state recycling scheme

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

When I introduce the First Law of Thermodynamics to my students I use the metaphor of money.  That’s because, at least to broke college students who haven’t had classes on high finance, it is easy to understand. Like energy being conserved, money has to come from somewhere and go somewhere.  This property lets you track it through a process to understand it better.

That’s why I find Colorado’s new Producer Responsibility Program (PRP) so confusing to try and follow.  I’m not alleging a conspiracy or bad behavior, it’s just that it doesn’t seem clear to me who is likely to pay and who is likely to benefit.  Advocates, of course, are pushing this as a low-impact way to get people to recycle.  Consumer goods companies, those that sell or make things that use lots of packing material (think pop cans and cardboard boxes) will simply pay a fee, recycling will happen, God will be in His heaven and so on.  Common sense should be telling you at this point to be skeptical, and trying to assess the reasonableness of this claim is where things are muddied.

In contrast with proposed laws like House Bill 24-1311, which would just take your money directly and give it to someone else, or things like the current crop of measures that merely up government spending so there’s less TABOR surplus to give refunds from, the PRP doesn’t take directly from taxpayers. 

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Video: Deion Sanders Talks NIL, CFB Transfer Portal, Bronny James’ Future, More

(Bleacher Report)

ARLINGTON, TEXAS - MARCH 30: Former NFL player and Colorado Buffalos head coach Deion Sanders looks on prior to a game between the Arlington Renegades and Birmingham Stallions at Choctaw Stadium on March 30, 2024 in Arlington, Texas. (Photo by Sam Hodde/UFL/Getty Images)

Sam Hodde/UFL/Getty Images

Colorado head coach Deion Sanders was at a loss to ponder what his college life would’ve been like if he had played during the NIL era.

In an appearance on All The Smoke, Sanders joked that “I would really need Jesus to come down himself” to offer some guidance.

The Hall of Fame cornerback was certainly ahead of his time in terms of marketing himself and understanding how much money he stood to gain off the field. He was a massive star before he ever stepped onto an NFL field.

Sanders was, however, careful to caution that today’s college athletes shouldn’t miss the forest for the trees.

The head coach recounted to hosts Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson a visit he recently had with the family of a prospective recruit. He said the player’s mother asked about NIL, to which he told her, “That’s not my department. I’m about NFL. You can talk the NIL about somebody else.”

Sanders went on to say the NIL has brought unintended consequences, such as athletes receiving more scrutiny because they’re no longer viewed as amateurs and something more approaching a pro player.

The Hall of Famer also explained his conflicting emotions on the transfer portal.

As a former star athlete, he believes there’s a level of adversity that can be beneficial toward a player’s career, and that can be lost when a player can so easily change schools. Sometimes, paying

This article was published at Bleacher Report. Read it in its entirety here. Read More