Colorado News

PEAK: Colorado trial to kick Trump off the ballot is setting a dangerous precedent

(Colorado Peak Politics)

At the risk of pissing off everyone, we’re going to say it anyway — U.S. Rep. Ken Buck was right when he testified in the trial to kick Trump off the Colorado ballot that the Jan. 6 hearings were political showmanship, not a court of law.

Everything about the Jan. 6 congressional hearings and final report — as is all congressional hearings and reports — is structured for political purposes and outcomes, Buck explained.

“There was a political purpose to that report, as there is with almost everything in Congress, and the political purpose was ultimately to win elections and to paint the one side in as bad a light as possible,” Buck said.

No truer words have every been spoken by a politician on God’s green Earth.

Whether you love Trump or hate him, suffer from Trump derangement syndrome and think him evil, or that he deserves to be president because he was cheated, that he is our savior or the Bringer of Destruction … one fact is indisputable — Politics is political, and politicians practice politics.

The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capital was as partisan as the partisan name it carried.

It did not operate under the same rules as a courtroom and should not be treated as such.

Trump’s lawyers used Buck’s testimony to question the use of the committee’s political report as a key piece of evidence,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Colorado kids demand teachers use fashionable pronouns or face punishment

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Colorado students are demanding a first-rate education that emphasizes computer and math knowledge, stronger communications skills, and classical history lessons so the worst of it does not repeat itself.

Just kidding!

They are insisting legislators pass a state law to punish teachers who call them by their legal names or refuse to use grammatically incorrect but fashionable pronouns.

Crooks and violent thugs go unpunished, but woe to those who refuse to cater to over-indulged children taught to be intolerant and discriminate based on identities both real and over-exaggerated and to worship progressive Democrat Party politics.

The Colorado Sun reports a committee of state lawmakers has approved a draft bill they think will clear up any confusion as to what school districts must do when a student makes up their own name and pronoun.

The draft legislation approved by a legislative committee that hears ideas from the Colorado Youth Advisory Council would require public schools to use a student’s preferred name and would deem a refusal to do so a form of discrimination. It also would set up a task force of school administrators, teachers and counselors who would look into the best way to notify parents about a student’s wishes, and the process to update a student’s name for use in the classroom, extracurricular activities and the yearbook.

A 17-year-old student told legislators that students would decide whether teachers really meant to call kids by their fashionable pronoun or whether it was a civil rights violation and whether the teacher should be punished.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Polis, Democrats surrender early in the progressive fight for drug injection centers

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Jared Polis is once again being blamed as the reason the state legislature won’t legalize injection centers for the illegal consumption of deadly, hardcore drugs under the regulatory supervision of the Polis administration.

It’s the Polis veto threat, Democrats whined again this week to the media, after an interim legislative committee tasked with solving the opioid crisis passed on pursing what they now call “overdose prevention centers.”

From Colorado Politics:

The Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Study Committee turned down the “safe injection sites” proposal, identified in draft legislation as “overdose prevention centers,” based on concerns about a possible veto from Gov. Jared Polis.

A similar effort in the 2023 session died in a Senate committee last spring also for the same reason — a veto threat from the governor.

The draft legislation considered by the committee Monday would have established a five-year pilot program in municipalities that have authorized those facilities.

But seeing as how Polis fully expects to one day run for president of the United States, his spokesflack was more than happy to respond.

Conor Cahill basically blamed President Biden as the reason Colorado can’t have junkies lined up around neighborhood blocks to get bombed on heroin and fentanyl.

He said there’s just too much uncertainty as to whether the feds would shut down such centers.

And yet, the feds are actually using our tax dollars to study whether those sites in New York and Rhode Island will prevent overdoses.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Far-left operatives outraged over Colorado patriot group endorsing in local races

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

DENVER — Three far-left organizations that just a few weeks ago published their own lists of endorsements for candidates that support a progressive/socialist ideology are now calling on candidates who have been endorsed by a conservative patriot group to denounce those endorsements.

Colorado Working Families Party, a socialist political organization; Progress Now, a far-left activist group; and Yellow Scene Magazine, an online publication that has been supporting the progressive movement in the Boulder area for more than 20 years are working together to spread the message that they don’t approve of their political opposite endorsing in local races.

It started when Working Families released a statement on Oct. 25 against the Colorado Conservative Patriot Alliance, a group run by Northern Colorado activist and former Maga Trump Colorado chairman, David Hunt. That statement said in part that voters in places like Aurora and Boulder want to know if the candidates the alliance supports accept the organization’s endorsement and its “anti-choice, anti-immigrant, and anti-LGBTQ network? Or will you denounce this extremist group and the hate they represent?”

Then on Oct. 26, Progress Now, run by hard-left activist Sara Loflin, put out its own statement in support of the Working Families position “demanding that all of the candidates endorsed by this group unambiguously reject and disavow both the endorsement and ideologies of the Colorado Conservative Patriot Alliance.”

Then finally, on Oct. 28, Yellow Scene Magazine called Conservative Patriot Alliance a “conservative nationalist group with ties to known Colorado white supremacists.” The post added that Progress Now was “responding to this outrageous intrusion into Colorado politics by the racist fringe of the conservative movement” before publishing Progress Now’s media release verbatim on its website.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Say Bye to Buck and hello to these GOP contenders for the 4th CD seat

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Serving the 4th District for nearly 10 years was the highest honor of Ken Buck’s life, the soon-to-be former Republican Congressman said before kicking the party he was also elected to serve squarely in the nuts on his way out the door.

Buck’s decision to end his congressional career after this term came as a surprise to few Republicans, who’ve been getting mighty miffed over his newfound role as a political commentator on MSNBC and CNN where he’s been more than happy to trash his own party.

His final goodbye seems to cement his creds as a future “Republican” commentator on those same networks, where we expect him to continue criticizing the party’s unsteady equilibrium that he helped to create as a member of the Freedom Caucus.

Earlier today I announced that I won’t be seeking re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.

To my friends in Colorado, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve our nation. Being your representative in Washington DC has been the highest honor of my life.

— Rep. Ken Buck (@RepKenBuck) November 1, 2023

Adding insult to injury, Buck gave his departure scoop to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, which drew criticism from former state GOP chairman and fellow Republican Party grumbler Dick Wadhams.

“I think it is offensive that Ken Buck would announce that he’s not running for reelection during an interview on a national cable TV show rather than returning to his district and thanking the people of the 4th CD for the honor and privilege of serving in the U.S.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Colorado educators fiddle with gender while pre WWII history repeats itself

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Jefferson County teachers are determined to uncover their student’s secret pronoun, so they can then hide that information from parents.

Screenshots show teachers union exec leadership in @JeffcoSchoolsCo concocted a plan to circumvent parents on students’ names & pronouns.

Now, #coleg Dems want to codify their deception into Colorado law.

Today @DenverGazette: #copolitics #ParentsRights

— Jimmy Sengenberger (@SengCenter) October 27, 2023

Progressive Democrat state lawmakers are pushing new legislation to let children secretly change their names at school to such elementary favorites as Rabid Princess, Lil Biggie Smalls, Cow Person Bob, or Lady Bunny.

🚨 🚨 Bill to change a child’s name at school WITHOUT parental notification passed committee along party lines. Rep. Vigil will carry it first in the house and Reps. @FaithWinterCO and @Janice_Marchman will carry it in the Senate.

I hope parents are ready to fight this!

— Val L (@SuperOfMyHome) October 25, 2023

And Gov. Polis demands his universal preschool for four-year-olds follows gender rules for bathrooms and pronoun usage.

Meanwhile, our college students and young adults are acting like Nazi brownshirts and protesting for the annihilation of Jews in Israel.

If only educators and lawmakers were more interested in teaching our kids the classical basics,

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Truth & Liberty Coalition expands culture war to 30 Colorado school boards

(Religion News)

DENVER (RNS) — In 2021, Andrew Wommack told his followers to “take over” Woodland Park, a mountain town of 8,000 near Colorado Springs. The televangelist and Charis Bible College founder had been saying for years that “the time has come” for Christians to stop focusing only on their faith and start working to gain political influence.

“We have enough people here in this school we could elect anybody we want,” he said at a meeting of the Citizen’s Academy, an event held at Charis by the Truth & Liberty Coalition, a nonprofit organization also founded by Wommack. “This county ought to be totally dominated by believers.”

In recent months, Wommack has been making the same argument to Christians across Colorado. He’s also provided candidates who fit the bill. When voters in 30 school districts go to the polls Tuesday (Nov. 7), they will find ballots primed with candidates recruited and trained by Transform Colorado, a movement, launched by Truth & Liberty, “that unites Christian leaders to restore biblical values in the public square,” according to its website.

The group is promoting its picks in local churches and through voter guides that include candidate answers to five questions about hot-button topics common to conservative Christian campaigns nationally: transgenderism, “boys in girls’ sports,” sex education, parental rights, and social studies and history curriculums.

The effort spans from Colorado Springs, the state’s second largest city, to remote rural districts such as Holyoke, on the border with Nebraska, and Burlington, both of which have seen spikes in the number of candidates this year.

An example of a vote guide produced by Transform Colorado. (Image via Transform Colorado)

An example of an election guide produced by Transform Colorado. (Image via Transform Colorado)

As in Woodland Park, where Wommack succeeded in getting his chosen candidates elected to City Council and gaining a majority on the school board, the goal, in the words of one victor, is to oppose “the teachers’ union and their psycho agenda.”

Wommack, who was mentored by the prosperity gospel preacher Kenneth Copeland, did not attend college himself, nor seminary, and is not formally ordained. After launching a small Texas radio ministry in 1976, he took to television and moved his headquarters to Colorado in the 1990s, making steady appeals for donations to fund his rise. He is briefly featured in “American Gospel: Christ Alone,” a documentary claiming the prosperity gospel movement distorts Christ’s gospel in the U.S. and around the world.

In 2019, the last year it released financial information, Andrew Wommack Ministries had revenue of $68 million. Its CEO, Billy Epperhart, told the Colorado Springs Gazette in 2021 that revenue had since topped $100 million.

Truth & Liberty, founded in 2019, has its own livestreamed programs featuring guests such as Christian nationalist author David Barton, who is also a board member. It took in $1.2 million in 2020. Spokesman Michael Perini declined to provide any information for this article.

In September of last year, the organization held a weekend-long conference where the speakers included U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., and Pastor Lance Wallnau, another board member, who promoted his Seven Mountain Mandate, a vision for Christian dominion in seven key areas of national life, including education.

Truth & Liberty has lately served as Wommack’s main tool in reversing Colorado’s shift from red to blue, a tragedy he blames on “demonic” liberals. As proof, Wommack has claimed his “spies” in the local school system had found hundreds of obscene books. He warned that public schools taught fourth graders how to have anal sex and that they placed litter boxes in classrooms for students who identified as dogs or cats.

Dallas Dutka of Broomfield, Colo., prays by a makeshift memorial, Tuesday Nov. 22, 2022, for the victims of a mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colo. Dutka's cousin, Daniel Aston, was killed in the shooting. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)

Dallas Dutka of Broomfield, Colo., prays by a makeshift memorial Nov. 22, 2022, for the victims of a mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colo. Dutka’s cousin, Daniel Aston, was killed in the shooting. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)

Wommack is harsh in his opposition to LGBTQ rights. The day after five people were killed and 18 injured in a Nov. 19, 2022, shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Wommack said he was “not endorsing” violence against LGBTQ people but complained they received too much sympathy, calling homosexuality “one of the major threats of the devil.”

Critics complain that his efforts to protect public education are political stunts that transform normally quiet local elections into hyperpartisan battles funded by outside groups and money.

In Woodland Park, Carol Greenstreet, a former school board president, said the district already reflected the town’s largely conservative and Christian values long before Wommack began his campaign.

Wommack and his followers have “created a war that didn’t have a reason to be fought,” said Greenstreet, whose husband, Kirk, is senior pastor of the evangelical Woodland Park Community Church.

But once elected, Woodland Park’s new conservative majority worked quickly — sometimes meeting in private, she alleged, in violation of state law — to turn the district upside down.

The district became the first and, so far, only locality in the U.S. to adopt the controversial American Birthright social studies curriculum, which has been rejected by Colorado’s State Board of Education. Since it was adopted, some students have been required to perform make-up work to qualify for college admission.

(The Civics Alliance, the group behind American Birthright, did not respond to a request for comment.)

The district let go of its men

This article was published at Religion News. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Caldara: Special session coming after Prop HH fails

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

(You can listen to this column, read by the author, here.)

Proposition HH will fail at the ballot box.

After it does, Gov. Jared Polis will call a special session before the end of the year to address the property tax crisis he created.

He will have little choice.

There are few things more enjoyable than watching Jared Polis not answer simple questions.

At the 9News/Gazette debate last week, he played Olympic-level dodgeball when asked several times if he would call a special session if Prop HH fails.

It wasn’t a trick question. It wasn’t a hard question. It wasn’t an essay question. But it’s always responded to with performance art. Never a “yes” or “no.”

His opponents asked him several times. Finally, the moderator, Marshall Zelinger put it to him point blank, “Governor, what’s your Plan B if HH fails?”

The man can dance like Fred Astaire.

In fairness, if he said he’d call a special session, he’d give voters even more reasons to vote HH down and get a much better special session deal (which will happen). So, he can’t really admit it publicly, but he knows it privately. And so do the rest of us.

Jared Polis will be personally responsible for this property tax debacle and HH’s failure. No one else will be answerable.

That’s not a great look for a man who is cultivating a national image as a business-friendly,

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