Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Armstrong: Coverage of Marx-spouting legislator shows media bias

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

Imagine if a Republican, just appointed to the legislature through a vacancy committee, had called for “forceful cultural revolution” and praised such fascists as Enrico Corradini and Benito Mussolini.

Now imagine that most media accounts of the legislative appointment declined to mention those facts, emphasizing instead the Republican’s youth, former occupation as a teacher, and success as a “community organizer.” What would you think of the journalists writing such articles?

What I describe took place in Colorado, except the person appointed to the legislature is a Democrat, Tim Hernández, and he praised such Communists as Marx and Lenin. Marx-inspired Communist regimes slaughtered scores of millions of people.

True, Hernández said that the doctrines of Marx and Lenin are insufficient for revolution. He said, “We like to compete who knows Marx better, who knows these things better, who’s a Leninist. Listen, all right, I’ll give you a real take on this s––t. Kids don’t care.”

He continued, “Yes, it’s important to know theory. But you have to do some practices, you have to get out into the streets. You have to get into your workplace. You have to go to your families. If we are just sitting, talking in an ideological circle, our kids are still going to schools that are underfunded where they are investing more in their failure than in their success. Your theory will not save you. The revolution . . . will happen in the hood. It will not be led by who understand Lenin best,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Biden and Polis in Battle Royale to see who can plunder more of our tax dollars

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Gov. Polis was faux shocked and outraged this week to learn the Biden administration is plotting yet again to tax Coloradans TABOR refunds just as Polis was scheming to do the same.

Now it’s a Battle Royale between the two Democrats to see which one can plunder more of our paychecks for more wasteful government spending that only worsens our inflated economy.

We can’t make this stuff up.

Colorado Politics reports that new guidelines released Wednesday says taxpayers who itemize deductions and don’t deduct the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) refunds from the state taxes they paid, will get dinged for more money.

It sounds like some folks could get tripped up by tricky accounting.

Basically, Biden wants to tax Coloradans on taxes they already paid and treat it like new income.

From Colorado Politics:

“TABOR refunds essentially are refunds of sales tax, and so, it looks like they might have a slightly different interpretation just for Colorado. We aren’t sure yet,” said Daniel Carr, spokesman of the Colorado Department of Revenue. “I think the IRS is looking at it as almost a unique type of refund. But we’re still trying to figure out exactly how they’re going to treat us.”

Polis responded:

“Our administration strongly disagrees with the IRS guidance as it fails to factor in that TABOR refunds are returning sales tax dollars in addition to income tax dollars and fees that our citizens have already paid and therefore are an entirely legitimate tax refund and should not be subject to further state or federal taxation.”

We might believe Polis to be somewhat sincere in his huffing and puffing back at the Biden administration,

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Caldara: What made Colorado great summed up in century-old poem

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

I hate poetry.

It’s peculiar because I love lyrics to songs. But if someone starts reciting poetry, I look for the nearest exit.

Don’t get me wrong, I always have time for a dirty limerick. But other than that, I’ll save poetry for the English Lit majors who will be spending their adult years lobbying for a federal bailout of their college loans as they serve french fries.

So how odd I came across a 100-yearold poem that described what the West really was, and sadly may no longer be.

Simple enough for an idiot like me to understand but elegant enough to describe what made this new land, and the brave people drawn to it, so exceptional.

Out Where the West Begins” was written in 1917 by Arthur Chapman in the style of “cowboy poetry” still being written today. Born in Illinois and a working newspaper man in New York City, Chapman was drawn to Colorado.

Even then Colorado wasn’t a place on a map, but a place in a man’s soul.

As a political junkie and romantic of the Colorado I miss, it was the last of its three seven-line stanzas of the poem that grabbed my attention:

“Out where the world is in the making, Where fewer hearts in despair are aching,

That’s where the West begins. Where there’s more of singing and less of sighing,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Polis steps in with woke street cred to quell Gadsden flag freakout in the Springs

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Can we get a round of applause for 12-year-old Jaiden and his mom in Colorado Springs for standing strong in the face of their ignorant public education overlords at The Vanguard School?

The child had been studying the Revolutionary War in class, and yet the Gadsden flag patch on his backpack so triggered school staff, they tried have it removed like it was some sort of biological weapon that could contaminate the entire student population.

Can you believe this?!?!?

A student was KICKED OUT OF CLASS in Colorado Springs for having a Gadsden flag patch on his backpack.

The school said that the flag had “origins of slavery.”

— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) August 29, 2023

Memo to educators everywhere: Not every historical symbol in America is about racism or the slave trade.

Also, not every white boy child is a terrorist in training.

And the Gadsden flag, bearing a coiled rattlesnake with the slogan “Don’t Tread of Me,” is a symbol of the Revolutionary War, not the Civil War.

It is an expression of freedom and liberty, which is the very opposite of slavery, you idiots.

The gaffe drew national attention from the conspiratorial media lemmings trying to scare readers with tales of radicalized grade schoolers wanting to get in on the slave trade, or something.

It got so absurd,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Obama-appointed judges deny Polis’ effort to enforce new gun law

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Obama-appointed judges on the 10th Circuit Court this week denied Gov. Polis’ attempt to deny Coloradans their Second Amendment rights with his unconstitutional ban on firearm sales to 18- and 20-year-olds.

The order from Judges Carolyn B. McHugh and Nancy L. Moritz denied Polis’ request to overturn a U.S. District Court’s decision to block the order before it took affect just weeks ago.

Both courts said it’s unlikely that the law passed by the Democrat-controlled legislature and signed by Polis will ever be upheld in court.

The state attorney’s general office argued the new law must be upheld because “schoolchildren across Colorado will be returning to the classroom to start the new school year. The lower court’s injunction allows some of those schoolchildren to purchase guns, contrary to the will of the people of Colorado.”

Just to clarify, children, which are generally defined as youngers who have not reached puberty, are not legally permitted to buy guns with or without Polis’ law.

The argument might scare parents, but it didn’t work on Obama’s judges.

 Polis spokesflak Conor Cahill told The Colorado Sun it would be a lot less confusing to folks who don’t understand how all those rights and freedoms work if we just take it all away.

Because the Constitution gives us the right to bear arms, previous laws were snuck in to ban pistol sales to 18–20-year-olds, but not the sale of rifles.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Menten: Local governments can lower property taxes on their own

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

Whether the hideous hoax Proposition HH passes or fails at Colorado’s November ballot, local governments including towns, cities, special districts, and schools must lower their 2023 mill levy this fall to avoid taxpayer suffering in January 2024 when tax bills are sent out.

In each Colorado local government, there are elected members. Those local elected representatives set and vote on the mill levy for their respective districts in October or November each year. When the elected bodies meet to set the mill rate, they take public comment. I would suggest reaching out to your elected representatives before the meeting. After the body votes, they notify the county assessor of the tax rate by December 15, 2023 and that’s what gets charged on the January 2024 property tax bill.

A moral obligation

Nothing stops these local governments from lowering the mill, and refusing to lower the tax rate is to purposefully do financial harm to residents. Such an action or perhaps – inaction, should be a reason for recall from office. Local elected officials should not dare to suggest they support affordable housing if they won’t lower the local property tax rate. School districts can also create tax relief assuming they have a rate higher than 27 mills. In Jefferson County and two other districts I surveyed, taxpayers are being charged far higher than that (E.g. +40 mill or more).

Property owners are facing shocking 30-70% tax increases in 2024. That harsh and unnecessary tax hike doesn’t stop at the property owner,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Agency investigating if abortion politics influenced Biden’s Space Force location

(Colorado Peak Politics)

President Biden is under investigation by the Government Accounting Office over accusations that abortion politics played a key part in the Democrat’s decision to change Space Command’s final destination from Alabama to Colorado.

The investigation was requested by Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama, who just so happens to also chair the House Armed Services Committee.

Where on Earth would Rogers ever get the idea that abortion politics had anything to do with the location of a military base that was created to protect and operate U.S. space assets?

From MSNBC and cousins at NBC, which operates as mouthpieces for the progressive wing of the Democrat Party and White House cheering squad.

From NBC:

Some defense and congressional officials believe the White House is laying the groundwork to halt plans to move U.S. Space Command’s headquarters to Alabama in part because of concerns about the state’s restrictive abortion law, according to two U.S. officials and one U.S. defense official familiar with the discussions.

“The belief is they are delaying any move because of the abortion issue,” one U.S. official said, referring to the White House.

Another U.S. official said, “This is all about abortion politics.”


According to NBC News:

In that statement, Rogers called Biden’s decision to base Space Command permanently in Colorado “politically motivated,” said there was “political manipulation of the selection process,” and argued that the decision was made “to improve his political standing for next year’s reelection.” The White House and National Security Council have denied the allegations.

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Colorado News National Headlines

Colorado Kid Pulled from Class for Wearing ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Patch

(National Review) ‘It has nothing to do with slavery. That’s the Revolutionary War patch,’ the boy’s guardian pushed back…
This article was published at National Review. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

Colorado News

PEAK: Former Dem lawmaker challenging Pettersen for Congress in third-party run

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Democrat U.S. Rep. Brittany Pettersen has drawn a third-party progressive challenger from Boulder who is no stranger to Colorado Democrat politics, having served in the state House and Senate for numerous years.

Ron Tupa hasn’t announced his candidacy, but a news site that reports on Libertarian and third-party challengers broke the news.

 After serving some 18 years as a Democrat, Tupa has filed with the FEC to run on the Unity Party ticket.

Ron Tupa, a former Democratic Colorado lawmaker and one-time State Senate Majority Caucus Chair, has filed FEC paperwork to run for Congress with the Unity Party. Tupa has yet to announce his campaign or engage on social media formally. #copolitics

— Independent Political Report (@I_P_R) August 28, 2023

From Independent Political Report:

The Unity Party is primarily active in Colorado but maintains a presence in numerous other states. The party initially grew from a former group of supporters of General Wesley Clark’s 2004 Democratic presidential campaign. Its slogan is “Not Left, Not Right, But Forward.”

At least four candidates, including Tupa, are actively seeking federal office with the Unity Party. All of them are from Colorado.

Before he became a politician like Pettersen, Tupa put himself through school as a Teamster loading freight trucks, and then became a teacher himself.

PeakNation™ will recall that when Tupa was in the state Senate,

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Armstrong: Libertarian pledge for GOP an exercise in buffoonery

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

The main thing that the “alliance” between state Republicans and Libertarians proves is that both parties currently are run by a bunch of buffoons. The parties parading behind Dan Maes in a furry costume hardly could look more ridiculous.

When last we visited this matter, I noted, “The standards by which Libertarians will judge a Republican candidate sufficiently pro-liberty remain murky.” Since then, the Libertarians released “pledges” for Republican state and federal candidates. If a Republican candidate signs one of these pledges, Libertarians will think about not running a candidate in that race. (What we really need is approval voting.)

The idea is that some votes that otherwise would go to the Libertarian instead would go to the Republican, and this might change the outcome in some races. What the party leaders endorsing this nonsense apparently failed to take into account is that Democrats will use the pledge to destroy any Republican candidate foolish enough to sign it.

The federal pledge

The pledges start in disaster. The first item for the federal pledge states, “I will immediately work to pull funding for Ukrainian aid and push aggressively for peace negotiations with Russia.”

What “peace negotiations” mean in this context, precisely, is rewarding one of the most prolific mass-murderers of our age with territory seized through bloody conquest, something that will only encourage subsequent Russian aggression. The only useful thing about this pledge is that any Republican candidates who sign it thereby clearly signal their moral and intellectual degeneracy.

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