Colorado News National Headlines

The Toyota Tacoma trounced the midsize truck competition in 2022

(Fox News)

It’s an oldie, but a goodie … for sales.

The Toyota Tacoma was the best-selling midsize truck in the U.S. last year with a bullet, despite having last been refreshed in 2016.

Toyota delivered 237,323 Tacoma trucks to customers in 2022, a 6% drop from the prior year due largely to the ongoing supply shortages affecting the automaker and the industry.

It has held the top spot now for 17 years straight.

The Toyota Tacoma is the best-selling midsize truck in the USA.

The Toyota Tacoma is the best-selling midsize truck in the USA.

The Chevrolet Colorado was a distant second at 89,197, which looks a little better if you add the mechanically identical GMC Canyon’s 27,819 result, for a grand General Motors total of 117,016. The redesigned Nissan Frontier finished third overall at 76,183, followed by the Ford Ranger at 50,302.

A new Chevrolet Colorado goes on sale this year.

A new Chevrolet Colorado goes on sale this year.

The GM twins and the Ranger are all set to be replaced by all-new trucks this year.


Ford was also competing with itself with last year’s introduction of the smaller, compact Maverick, which beat the Ranger with 61,035 deliveries.

The Ford Maverick outsold the larger Ford Ranger.

The Ford Maverick outsold the larger Ford Ranger.

The unibody-based Honda Ridgeline rounded out the midsize class at 42,762, posting the model’s best result since 2007, while the Ranger-sized Hyundai Santa Cruz racked up 36,480 sales.


Just how long Toyota will be resting on its laurels is not clear, but there are indications that the much-anticipated next-generation Tacoma will debut in the 2024 model year.

Gary Gastelu is Fox News Digital’s automotive editor.

This article was published at Fox News. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

Colorado News

PEAK: Shudder: Polis hyped as ‘attractive alternative’ to Joe Biden

(Colorado Peak Politics)

If Gov. Polis decides to pursue his ultimate dream of becoming dictator-in-chief and moving back to Washington, D.C. to live in the Big House, would that be such a bad thing for Colorado?

Of course it would suck for the rest of the nation, but we would be rid of him at last and surely that counts for something?

Anyway, it’s a thought, and one that’s shared by Ted Harvey, the former head of the Trump Super PAC who is touting our top twit as the “attractive alternative” to run against President Biden next year.

“I think Jared Polis is going to be an attractive alternative to Joe Biden,” Harvey said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. “Jared Polis is also the first gay governor in the history of our country and I think that he desperately wants to be the first gay president of the United States.”

“Those that fund the homosexual agenda political machine in the United States desperately want to see Jared Polis be the first gay president of the United States,” Harvey continued. “He’s probably worth half a billion dollars so he can fund his race nationally as well.”

PeakNation™ will recall that Harvey represented Colorado state Senate District from 2007 to 2015. He also served as the reading clerk of the State House, and as a staffer to former U.S. Rep. Joel Hefley.

We agree that a race between Polis and Biden would be wicked fun to watch — the Democrat equivalent of last week’s House leadership race for speaker,

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Colorado Democrats aim to ban entire class of semi-automatic weapons

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

DENVER — In one of their first moves of the 2023 legislative session, majority Democrats — who control nearly two-thirds of both chambers — are gearing up to enact a ban on what appears to be the entire class of semi-automatic weapons.

In fact, it may be easier to know what guns would still be legal in Colorado by simply reading one paragraph of the 16-page draft bill, which says a so-called “assault weapon” does not include any firearm that “has been made permanently inoperable; an antique firearm manufactured before 1899; a replica of an antique firearm; a firearm that is manually operated by bolt; pump; lever; slide action, unless the firearm is a shotgun with a revolving cylinder; or a firearm that can only fire rimfire ammunition.”

The bill, embedded at the end of this article, will prohibit anyone in Colorado from “possessing, manufacturing, importing, purchasing, selling, offering to sell, or transferring ownership of” a so-called assault weapon. A violation of the new law would be considered a class 2 misdemeanor, but if that weapon is then used in the commission of a felony or a crime of violence the seller could then be charged with a class 6 felony.

Constitutional concerns voiced

David Kopel, an adjunct professor of advanced constitutional law at Denver University’s Sturm College of Law as well as research director of the Independence Institute*, said he doesn’t believe this bill will stand up in court as written.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Denver Post uncovers egg shortage, refuses to tell us what we need to know

(Colorado Peak Politics)

The intrepid reporting staff at the Denver Post has uncovered an egg shortage in Colorado.

And in their block-busting story complete with a compelling click-bait headline, they proclaim to tell us what shoppers need to know.

The big reveal?

Shoppers need to know they will have to pay more money for eggs, because there’s an egg shortage in Colorado.

But wait! There’s more!

Austin Vincent of the Colorado Farm Bureau offered the Denver Post a solution to the whole mess, which was set into motion when avian influenza crashed head-on into “bad legislative policy” signed into law by Gov. Polis.

“The legislature and the governor have the power to fix the issue, even if temporarily, to help relieve some stress on the supply chain,” Vincent said.

Well Hallelujah!

And what, pray tell, must the legislature and the governor do to fix the issue?

The Denver Post neglected to tell shoppers what they need to know about that.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Rosen: It’s not too late to reverse Denver’s decline

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

In a recent Gazette column, Cal Thomas explained why he’s soured on New York in the face of soaring crime rates, the exorbitant cost of living, high taxes, filthy streets, people pushed onto subway tracks, muggings, throngs of panhandlers and the homeless.

As a native New Yorker growing up in Brooklyn in the1950s, I was reminded of a column by Pete Hamill in the New York Post in 1970 that I read and saved.  Hamill (who also grew up in Brooklyn) was an iconic New York journalist, a salty man of the people.  Here’s an excerpt from that column:

“A typical New York Day:  Up early, to discover that overnight someone has been gnawing at the lock of your front door.  On the sidewalk, scattered garbage with no one answering for the mess.  In the gutter you skid on something a dog has left behind.  In the subway the smell of something fecal, the hot breath of the guy next to you, the train stuck in a tunnel, late for work…A call to the Health Dept. to complain about the garbage.  The Health Dept. has changed its name to ‘one moment please.’  The moment lasts 17 minutes and you are disconnected.”

“Coming home, a broad-shouldered hippie nails you: ‘Got seven cents, man?’  You stare past him with zombie eyes, and he yells something about your mother at your back.  Climb the stairs, open the door, and the TV set is gone,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Brittany traumatized by leadership race, writes fundraising letters

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Brittany’s big debut as the new congressperson for the 7th District turned to fear and trauma this week after witnessing the politics of a leadership race play out on the House floor.

Brittany: The Face of Fear!

Brittany sought solace and guidance from a reassuring figure, whom PeakNation™ will recall was also blocked by wayward Democrats in her campaign for the speaker’s chair when Democrats took control of the House in 2018.

Hello? Social Services?

It was a Coloradan who led the revolt against Pelosi with demands she agree to a two-term limit. The same Coloradan whom Brittany has replaced as the 7th District representative.

I have pushed for new leadership because I want to see generational change in the Democratic Caucus. I am now convinced that generational change has started and will continue to accelerate. Therefore, I will support Nancy Pelosi for Speaker.

— Ed Perlmutter (@RepPerlmutter) December 12, 2018

Republicans are pushing McCarthy to institute changes in House rules and business as usual in order to earn their support.

Democrats insisted Nancy Pelosi step down from leadership altogether after four years in exchange for their votes.

It’s since been reported Brittany has recovered from the trauma of politics, and is making use of her time on the House floor hyping Jan. 6 in a fundraising letter to Democrats.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Polis on the defense, busted for busing migrants from Sanctuary Denver to New York

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Gov. Polis has been playing defense since we busted him earlier this week for acting as Hypocrite-in-Chief by busing out migrants seeking assistance in Sanctuary City Denver to be someone else’s problem in New York and Chicago.

The establishment Denver media are also rushing to his aid to spin and obfuscate Polis’ actions as completely different from Republican governors who bused migrants to New York, and gasp, Martha’s Vineyard.

Those migrants were tricked! They thought they were going to some Hellhole, not a resort for rich progressives, or America’s city that has welcomed millions of immigrants over the centuries, the media explained.

But now it’s Hispanic migrant activists in Texas who are tricking migrants and Denver, by claiming they wanted to go to a sanctuary city, in Colorado.

The Colorado Sun’s headline proclaimed:

Republicans relocated migrants because their states could no longer bear the cost, and were getting no help from the federal government.

Whereas the Sun reports:

A surge of migrants arriving in Denver throughout the past month has not only pushed city resources to the brink but catapulted Gov. Jared Polis into an ugly political battle that has governors and mayors pointing fingers about who should take responsibility for immigrants crossing the southern border.

We sent an Intern on a snipe hunt to ask Gov. Jared Polis (D) if his policy of sending illegal migrants to NYC,

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Colorado News

PEAK: Democrats and Polis embrace corporate America, welfare for the wealthy

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Democrats complained for decades that corporate America was in bed with the Republican Party exchanging campaign donations for political support or government subsidies paid for by taxpayers.

The political left blasted automakers and the energy industry for fat subsidies, they blasted the food industry for making Americans fat.

Almost every policy touted by Democrats was “for the children,” to protect them and keep them from harm.

Corporate American was the enemy, and Democrats represented the working man.

But what a difference the progressives have made!

With corporate America now backing their every move, hundreds of billions have been blown on alternative energy solutions that will never fly a plane or replace the energy security we’ve come to rely on for more than a century.

Dieting and exercise are now considered racist, and children have become fashion accessories to signal one’s virtue at drag shows.

You can be fired for talking about sex to adults in the workplace yet hired to talk to first graders about their sexual preferences.

And welfare’s no longer for the poor, but wealthy folks who can afford to buy electric vehicles thanks to Congressional Democrats and Gov. Polis.

Gov. Polis is pushing for a range of new #climate incentives for CO residents, including…

🚗 A $5,000 EV rebate (up from $2,000)
🚲 A $500 ebike rebate
🚲 A $1,000 low-income ebike rebate
🌱 30% off the cost of electric lawn equipment

— Sam Brasch (@samuelbrasch) January 4,

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Cooke: Colorado can clean up its energy act by going nuclear

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

American Clean Power says Colorado has nearly 6,300 MW of wind, solar, and storage capacity that can power 2.3 million homes at a cost of $12 billion. So why don’t they? Because they can’t. The power they provide is intermittent and unreliable. Sometimes they can’t provide power at all.

The bitter cold and rolling blackouts Colorado experienced over Christmas should be a wake up call for the political class to clean up its energy policy, dump the unachievable 100 percent renewable goal, and go nuclear.

Reliable and clean

When the temperature plummeted well below zero in Colorado, so did power output from wind. Xcel Energy and other utilities relied on coal and natural gas to keep Coloradans and their holiday visitors from freezing. Still some residents lost power. At our house in Greeley, power was out for over two hours in the wee hours of Christmas morning.

For a state that fancies itself a leader in clean energy, ignoring popular, reliable, and clean nuclear energy is perplexing.

According to the fall 2022 American Climate Perspectives Survey, roughly 70 percent of respondents support nuclear power “because it reliably generates a lot of electricity … while reducing pollution to our climate.” They’re right. At 92.5 percent, nuclear has by far the highest capacity factor of any energy source. It makes sense that nuclear is enjoying a renaissance across all demographic groups – except Colorado’s political class.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Boss ladies tell Dem state rep to take down sexist tweet

(Colorado Peak Politics)

Stuff we missed over the holiday: Colorado State Rep. David Ortiz, D-Chauvinist, made a lame attempt at an apology to a female reporter for a sexist remark after the women in House leadership made him do it.

Ortiz finally took down the tweet he later admitted was in reference to a specific Colorado Politics story that was written by a woman.

Then issued this lame excuse:

At the request of the speaker I have deleted the tweet. Did apologize publicly for the poorly chosen words that gendered “he said she said” high school nature of the article by citing the movie “mean girls”.

I will reach out to Hanna directly.

— David Ortiz (@DavidDOrtizCO) December 29, 2022

To recap, Ortiz did not say “he said she said,” nor did he cite the movie “Mean Girls.”

What he said was, “Don’t try to gossip and mean girl your way to clicks and ratings.”

It took a few days, but House Speaker Julie McCluskie and House Majority Leader Monica Duran finally issued a statement that bizarrely clarified, in case there was any doubt, that Ortiz’s statement did not reflect the opinion of the Democrat caucus, now made up of 34 women and 12 men.

The majority women caucus “has fought tirelessly for women, children and families,” they said. “We have passed countless laws to put our values into practice by protecting women in the workplace,

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