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WATCH: Trans Woman on CNN Says That Colorado Shooter Can’t Be Non-Binary, He’s ‘a Man’

My colleague Jeff Charles wrote about the CNN panel helmed by Alisyn Camerota during which Camerota seemed to refuse delivery on the news that Anderson Aldrich was “non-binary,” according to his attorney. “I don’t know what to say about that,” Camerota said, misgendering Aldrich repeatedly. Then her guest, Errol Louis, posited that it was somehow…


My colleague Jeff Charles wrote about the CNN panel helmed by Alisyn Camerota during which Camerota seemed to refuse delivery on the news that Anderson Aldrich was “non-binary,” according to his attorney. “I don’t know what to say about that,” Camerota said, misgendering Aldrich repeatedly. Then her guest, Errol Louis, posited that it was somehow a “defense against a hate crimes charge,” again misgendering Aldrich.

First, that would be a stupid defense since it would be no defense. Plus you’re already talking about several murders, so even if you thought this would somehow negate a hate crime — and it wouldn’t if the facts were there — it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

But CNN didn’t stop there. They continued along the same path with Camerota’s discussion with another guest, Natalee Bingham, a transgender woman, who was a friend of one of the victims in the Colorado shooting. Bingham said that the claim about Aldrich being “non-binary” was “ludicrous.”

This Trans Woman on CNN says she can look at a still photo of the Colorado Springs gunman and know that he’s not Non-binary, he’s a man.
If we were to use that same standard on Natalee, what might we discern?

— Chris Plante Show (@ChrisPlanteShow) November 23, 2022

Aldrich was just “saying that,” Bingham declared, saying that there was no way that Aldrich was non-binary, that you could tell by looking at Aldrich’s “mugshot” that “that’s a man, that’s not a non-binary person.” Bingham claimed it was “offensive” that “they” were “playing that role.”

How do you know whether the person is non-binary or not? What does a “non-binary” person look like? And that’s the problem here with the claim. When you start moving into areas that aren’t based on biology, but on declared identity, how do you know? What makes a non-binary person non-binary? So I guess now, according to CNN, self-identifying as something just goes out the window and we’re back to what someone looks like. But if that had been someone on the right saying that, they would already have been skewered for their offense by the media.

Bingham asked why Aldrich would go after a club where he would feel safe if he were non-binary. But that’s the thing, when you don’t know what the facts are, you shouldn’t be making assumptions. Bingham doesn’t know why Aldrich allegedly shot up the club.

Here’s a radical thought: How about just waiting until the facts and the motivations are in before spouting off? But it looks like CNN is so hot to push a narrative that they can’t wait. They just want to shoot down the “non-binary” claim. Even if it denies what they have pushed for some time now about people being able to self-identify as they wish.

What happened to “there’s no right way to look non-binary”?!

This new religion CLEARLY states it’s bigoted to judge someone’s gender identity by to their physical appearance — yet this violent rhetoric appears on @CNN?

This article was published at Red State. Read it in its entirety here. Read More