Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Caldara: The urgent case for armed school staff

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

After the horrific shooting at Robb Elementary School, President Joe Biden said, “We have to act.”

I wholly agree.

On this very space about a year ago as COVID lockdowns were easing I wrote, “The reality is mentally disturbed boys, after a year of festering loneliness and anger, will be coming through your kid’s school doors … violence is coming back to our schools. We are fools not to realize this and take action now.”

I’ll plead again. Immediate action needs to be taken to defend our vulnerable children in these terrifyingly exposed places, where they are required by law to spend much of their day.

We will talk about mental health, gun control and missed “warning signs” while we witness more massacres. The fault will be school boards that don’t adequately protect our children NOW.

I find it odd that when you go to a school board meeting, you’ll often see a police or armed security officer there to guard board members. Yet those same board members do not extend that same protection to our innocent children forced into their care.

If they care about saving children’s lives, school districts must embrace voluntary, armed, well-trained school staff or pay substantial amounts to hire armed guards. Anything less is just virtue signaling.

The 300 million guns in America are not going to be confiscated anytime soon. Mental health services are not going to be made easily available everywhere for troubled youth.

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Colorado News

MHEN: Laughable: Polis Claims Republicans, Not Dems, Want to Control People’s Lives

(Mile High Evening News)

Colorado enshrines ‘fundamental right’ to abortion; Biden cheerleader Rubin ‘deeply’ worried for Dems

Internal polling must look bad for Jared Polis, who is desperately trying to recast himself as a lover of freedom heading into the 2022 election.

In a puff interview with The Hill, Colorado governor Jared Polis claimed that he was “focused on the empowerment of individual voters.” Polis made no mention of his role in forcing ineffective masks onto Colorado citizens, closing houses of worship, schools, and “non-essential” businesses or blowing millions of dollars on hospitals to nowhere.

Rather, Polis claimed that it is Republicans who want to control the lives of the citizenry, likely referring to the Supreme Court potentially striking down so-called “abortion rights.” According to the article in the Hill:

Asked about the country’s political divisions, Polis said that he still believes that “both parties are broad tents,” although he described “an ascendancy in the Republican Party” of efforts to “manage everybody’s lives.”

Polis is counting on Coloradoans to forget that he and his party of crazy-eyed Democrats have spent the last four years (especially the last two) attempting to exert more and more control over law-abiding citizens while easing up penalties for dangerous drug offenses. Polis de-felonizing fentanyl, resulting in massive increases in drug crimes in the state.

Polis is a leftist and will remain a leftist no matter what “live and let live” image he tries to recast for himself.

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