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GOP To File FEC Complaint Over Dems’ Alleged ‘Illegal Activities’ In Colorado

The Republican Party is set to file a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against the Democratic Party for alleged “illegal activities” in the Colorado Senate race, according to a National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) press release.“Today, Chairman Rick Scott announced that the NRSC will be filing an FEC complaint on the Democrats’ illegal activities as…

(The Daily Caller)

The Republican Party is set to file a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against the Democratic Party for alleged “illegal activities” in the Colorado Senate race, according to a National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) press release.

“Today, Chairman Rick Scott announced that the NRSC will be filing an FEC complaint on the Democrats’ illegal activities as part of their coordinated effort to hurt Republican candidate Joe O’Dea in Colorado,” the Monday release read.

Today, Chairman @ScottforFlorida announced that the NRSC will be filing an FEC complaint on the Democrats’ illegal activities in the Colorado Republican primary.

Read more:

— Senate Republicans (@NRSC) June 20, 2022

The “illegal activities” alleged in the press release include “sending out mailers that do not include a legally required disclaimer” and “failing to disclose their donors, spending and vendors, as required by federal law.”

“In their haste to meddle in the Republican primary, Democrats have clearly violated federal law and FEC rules,” NRSC chairman Rick Scott claimed in a statement attached to the release, accusing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and liberals of launching an “illegal campaign” against Republican candidate and businessman Joe O’Dea. (RELATED: RNC Registering New Voters At Gas Stations As Prices Surge)

“While the NRSC does not get involved in primaries, we are exposing and will continue to expose the Democrats’ efforts to undermine the electoral proces

This article was published at the Daily Caller. Read it in its entirety here. Read More