Colorado News

PEAK: Not April Fools: Denver School Board votes Tay Anderson their vice president

(Colorado Peak Politics)

With the Denver Public School Board firmly under union control, they’re already showing us exactly what they think about the kids they were elected to serve by doing this:

April fools did not come early. This actually happened in real life — the school board elected Anderson as their vice president, Chalkbeat reports.

The move was a vote of confidence in Anderson two months after he was censured by the previous board following an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct. The investigation found that allegations of sexual assault were unsubstantiated, but he was censured for other conduct uncovered by the investigation.

The president and vice president of the board have significant power to set the agenda for the board and meet more often than other board members with the superintendent.

Anderson was censured for making flirtatious contact with Denver students on social media and making “social media posts that could be perceived as intimidating witnesses in the investigation,” Chalkbeat reported earlier this year.

Xóchitl “Sochi” Gaytán was elected president of the new board, defeating former president Carrie Olson. The board declined to disclose all vote tallies.

Along with common sense, it appears transparency has also been tossed out the window.

PeakNation™ will remember just weeks ago that hundreds of Denver school kids signaled their vote of no confidence in Anderson after the censure by staging a walk-out and demanding his resignation.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Smokescreen? Media so obsessed with Boebert, didn’t notice Omar snubbed Biden visit

(Colorado Peak Politics)

While the mainstream media obsessed this week over the never-ending spat between U.S. Reps. Lauren Boebert and Ilhan Omar, they failed to note Omar totally snubbed President Biden during his visit to her home state on Tuesday.

Coincidence? We doubt it.

Some in the Minnesota media noted Omar’s absence, others reminded that Omar was one of six Democrats in the squad who voted against Biden’s infrastructure bill, which was the reason for the president’s visit. 

Just so there was no mistaking Omar was snubbing the president’s visit, she held an event that competed with the president’s visit.

An itinerary released by the White House says … The president’s motorcade will then travel to the technical college, where President Biden will deliver remarks at approximately 3:30 p.m. He will depart the Twin Cities at approximately 4:45 p.m.

Omar’s virtual town meeting was at 4 p.m.

See? Snub.

We hope the Minnesota media will get back to Omar and ask why she blew off her party’s president, and the $7 billion the bill is dumping on her state.

The legacy media sure as Hell won’t. They’re too busy coddling a political leader who has made her share of hateful, vile and bigoted statements — none of which were intended to be a joke.

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Colorado News

PEAK: Colorado Chamber dismayed over Bennet’s proposed tax increase on large employers

(Colorado Peak Politics)

The Colorado Chamber of Commerce expressed surprise and dismay with U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet over a proposed tax increase on large companies, the Denver Business Journal reports.

Bennet is pushing the plan in President Biden’s $1.75 so-called Build Back Better reconciliation bill that creates a minimum corporate tax of 15% for large companies with book income over $1 billion.

Ultimately, that comes out to an estimated $320 billion tax increase on affected companies over 10 years.

The Chamber told the Business Journal there are two enormous problems with this proposal.

First and most importantly, the plan raise taxes on companies that are leveraging deductions to write off capital expenditures like equipment used in manufacturing.

It would seem counterintuitive to most people to raise taxes on a company simply because they chose to lower their tax bill by investing in Colorado workers and equipment. However, that’s precisely what Bennet wants to do in the name of fairness.

Firms that sell equipment to large corporations that use accelerated depreciation (which Bennet’s plan eliminates) to deduct the cost from their tax bills would also be hurt in the process.

Secondly, Bennet’s plan would introduce a series of massive compliance problems for large companies that would be taxed on an entirely different formula than existing law.

According to the Tax Foundation:

A minimum tax on book income would introduce significant complexity into the corporate tax code while outsourcing key aspects of the corporate income tax to unelected decision-makers at the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB),

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Support Complete’s local journalism this Colorado Gives Day

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

Please consider ladling a little gravy on Complete Colorado during this year’s Colorado Gives Day.  It’s a great way to both support local journalism, and leverage your donation.  Fact is there’s an entire staff working every day to bring you the most timely and relevant political news (updated twice a day) from around the state on Complete’s main page aggregator, as well as top-notch original reporting and commentary on our Page Two, and they all annoyingly want to be paid in US dollars.

Colorado Gives Day is a once a year give-a-thon on Dec. 7 sponsored by the Community First Foundation, where non-profits share in a pool of money above and beyond individual donations, meaning this is a great way to leverage your dollars.  You will be donating to the Independence Institute, the non-profit publisher of Complete Colorado, which makes your donation tax deductible, but you can specify your giving to Complete Colorado through the ‘direct your donation to a program’ drop down menu.  Here’s the link to Independence Institute’s Colorado Gives Day page.

As always, thanks for being a Complete Colorado reader.  We hope you keep coming back.

Mike Krause


Our unofficial motto at Complete Colorado is “Always free, never fake, ” but annoyingly enough, our reporters, columnists and staff all want to be paid in actual US dollars rather than our preferred currency of pats on the back and a muttered kind word.

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Colorado News

MHEN: Federal Judge Rejects DOD Vaccine Bait-and-Switch

(Mile High Evening News)

(Children’s Health Defense) A federal district court judge has rejected a claim by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine being administered under Emergency Use Authorization is interchangeable with Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, which in August was fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In an order issued Nov. 12 in Doe et al. v. Austin, U.S. Federal District Judge Allen Winsor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida denied a preliminary injunction requested by 16 service members against the U.S. Military’s COVID vaccine mandate. A hearing is scheduled for Sept. 14, 2022.

However, the judge’s acknowledgment that “the DOD cannot mandate vaccines that only have an EUA” is significant for two reasons.

One reason pertains to the difference in ingredients and manufacturing process between Pfizer’s EUA vaccine and the approved Comirnaty vaccine, and the other pertains to the legal difference between a fully licensed vaccine and an EUA vaccine.

The latter reason would apply not just to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, but also to the vaccines produced by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), both of which are authorized only as EUA products.

This article is published in its entirety at Children’s Health Defense. Read it hereNote: Title changed by Mile High Evening News.

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Colorado News

PEAK: BLM didn’t lose diversity moving to Colorado, the agency never had it

(Colorado Peak Politics)

If you haven’t been paying close attention to liberal headlines — and why would you — it would appear the Bureau of Land Management had to abandon the whole Grand Junction HQ plan because too many white people live there.

Or not enough Black people live there.

The Washington Post reported that relocating the agency to the Western Slope would undercut diversity because Black people did not want to live there.

The move did dramatically worsen diversity, with more than half the Black employees at the headquarters retiring or quitting rather than accepting the move to Colorado.

That would be a shocking revelation, if you didn’t know that out of 9,000 employees, only 312 were Black. That’s the real scandal.

It’s understandable that many people no matter their color did not want to leave their family inside the Beltway and move out west to do their job of managing more than 200 million acres of western land.

And yet the media would have us believe it’s somehow Grand Junction’s fault because the population is 90% white.

Diversity was never Grand Junction’s long suit. We knew that two years ago, but nobody wanted to say anything when the Trump administration moved the headquarters for the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado.

There’s your hindsight. The Bureau of Land Management was never destined to succeed on the Western Slope because the people there are the wrong color.

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Colorado News

PAGE TWO: Caldara: Sex offender board virtue signals past meaningful reform

(Complete Colorado Page Two)

The Denver Gazette did a fine job rightfully excoriating the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board for their “person-first” reclassification of sexual offenders to “adults who have committed sexual assault.”

The Gazette called this person-first language, “well intentioned.” I disagree. It is part of social justice propaganda.

This first started when we were ordered by the elite to cram the five-syllable “person of color” into our mouth to replace the one-syllable “black.”

It has now grown out of control to “person currently experiencing homelessness,” (13 syllables?) instead of “bum” (Back off. I’m talking about the ones choosing that lifestyle).

“Person-first” would make sense if we spoke Spanish. In the Spanish language the modifier comes after the noun. They don’t say, “I’ll have a hot coffee.” They say, “I’ll have a coffee hot.”

In English the modifier comes before any word we want to describe. But elites know word control is the first step toward thought control, which is why the left propagates, under the very real threat of being canceled, victim-centric, overly-wordy language.

You’ve heard me talk about my son who is a Down’s kid. I just committed a hate crime there. According to person-first language I don’t have a Down’s kid, I have a “kid with Down’s.”

It’s entertaining that the left hasn’t quite figured out the transgender version. “Person of transgender?”

Read your George Orwell and you’ll understand why today’s newspeak is happening.

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