Colorado News

MHEN: Colorado Adopts New Congressional Map, And It Could Actually Help Republicans

(Mile High Evening News)

Colorado Adopts New Congressional Map, And It Could Actually Help Republicans

(The Daily Caller)

September 29, 2021
10:10 AM ET

Colorado’s independent redistricting commission officially adopted a new congressional map Tuesday that could actually help Republicans, even as the state has trended reliably Democratic.

The map still requires final approval from the Colorado Supreme Court, which is set to do so in the coming days. But while Democrats have won two presidential elections and flipped a House and Senate seat in the past five years, the new map creates an opportunity for Republicans to control half of the state’s congressional seats in a favorable year. (RELATED: The First State In The Nation Just Passed Its New Congressional Map. Here’s What It Looks Like)

Colorado’s new congressional map. (Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions)

Under the plan, Democrats would have four safe seats in the 1st, 2nd, 6th and 7th districts, while Republicans would have two safe seats in the 4th and 5th districts and a likely seat in the 3rd. The new 8th district, which was announced in April with the release of the decennial Census data, would be competitive, with former President Donald Trump carrying it in 2016 and President Joe Biden carrying it in 2020. (RELATED: Census Drops Long

This article was published at The Daily Caller. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

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Colorado News National Headlines

Colorado Adopts New Congressional Map, And It Could Actually Help Republicans

(The Daily Caller)

Colorado’s independent redistricting commission officially adopted a new congressional map Tuesday that could actually help Republicans, even as the state has trended reliably Democratic.

The map still requires final approval from the Colorado Supreme Court, which is set to do so in the coming days. But while Democrats have won two presidential elections and flipped a House and Senate seat in the past five years, the new map creates an opportunity for Republicans to control half of the state’s congressional seats in a favorable year. (RELATED: The First State In The Nation Just Passed Its New Congressional Map. Here’s What It Looks Like)

Colorado’s new congressional map. (Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions)

Under the plan, Democrats would have four safe seats in the 1st, 2nd, 6th and 7th districts, while Republicans would have two safe seats in the 4th and 5th districts and a likely seat in the 3rd. The new 8th district, which was announced in April with the release of the decennial Census data, would be competitive, with former President Donald Trump carrying it in 2016 and President Joe Biden carrying it in 2020. (RELATED: Census Drops Long-Awaited Redistricting Data)

With the new seat being the most competitive, Colorado’s seven House incumbents could all run in a relatively favorable environment in 2022.

This is the first time Colorado has used an independent commission to create its maps. It was approved with over 70% support in 201

This article was published at the Daily Caller. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

Colorado News

MHEN: Arvada and Lakewood PD Investigating Me for Writing to Jeffco School Board Members

(Mile High Evening News)

Near the beginning of August, I mailed letters to 4 out of 5 Jeffco School Board Members asking them to do the right thing and allow parents choice on the medical interventions (masks, etc.) for our children. I visited each of the board members’ houses to deliver the letters in person, but could not leave them due to no publicly accessible mailboxes. So I snapped a picture of each house to send with each letter to let them know I was there and dropped them in the mailbox.

Today, I was visited by an Arvada PD detective and a Lakewood PD detective, apparently fishing for some sort of confession that I had threatened the board members. Why was I the target of their investigation? My fingerprints were found on the letters I sent. That’s right – Arvada and Lakewood cops spent taxpayer resources fingerprinting my letters. Enclosed in each envelope was a letter with the following text:

[Board member’s first name],

We are writing you this letter to encourage you to support parental choice in Jefferson County Public Schools. We are not concerned with the efficacy of masks or vaccines, only the rights of Jeffco parents to send their children to school while choosing for themselves what is best for their families. Other Colorado school districts have wisely chosen to allow parents to make the decision for their children, and we request that you and the rest of the Board follow their lead and change Jeffco’s policy to match.

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Colorado News

MHEN: Army MD Grounds All Vaccinated Pilots, Recommends Immediate Halt to Military Vaccination

(Mile High Evening News)

Army surgeon Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, in a move that will surely put her career at great risk, submitted a nearly 5000-word affidavit in support of a preliminary injunction against forced COVID-19 vaccination in the military.

Within the affidavit, the Army aviation surgeon outlined her case for recommending immediately halting military COVID-19 vaccines, grounding any pilot who has received an mRNA vaccination, and how the Army is violating its own risk management protocols by failing to do a proper military risk analysis.

Some of the major eye-opening takeaways from her testimony:

  • LTC Long’s experience and education (Aviation Brigade surgeon, infectious disease training, treatment of COVID-19 patients, Master’s in public health, etc.) make her uniquely and specifically suited to testify on the issue of vaccination in the military.
  • Only 20 out of 1.4 million active duty troops have died due to COVID-19, or 0.0014%. For contrast, 19 times as many service members have taken their own lives.
  • Using mRNA “vaccines” without long-term studies presents an unknown risk to the military to attempt to mitigate an illness whose risk is known.
  • While myocarditis usually shows no initial symptoms, later symptoms include dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death and myocarditis carries a mortality rate of 20% at one year and 50% at 5 years. This means that 1 out of 5 people diagnosed with myocarditis die within a year and half die within 5 years.

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Colorado News

MHEN: Teens arrested for planning attack to mark Columbine’s 25th anniversary

(Mile High Evening News)

A group of Pennsylvania teens were arrested for plotting a Columbine-style attack in their high school to mark the 25th anniversary of the Colorado massacre, reports said.

The mother of one teen described by her mother as “obsessed with Columbine” was arrested this week along with three others, reports said.

The girl, 15, allegedly stockpiled dozens of Molotov cocktails at her home, and had bomb making materials along with handwritten lists of guns, ammunition and tactical gear, according to ABC News.

The teen, along with a 15-year-old boy, were both charged as adults while two other teens were charged as juveniles in the plan to attack Dunmore High School, near Scranton, Pa., in April 2024.

The plot came to light when one of the kid’s parents found text messages from the students talking about wanting to “shoot up the school,” which they “hated,” according to WBRE/WYOU.

Dylan Klebold a

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Colorado News National Headlines

Teens arrested for planning attack to mark Columbine’s 25th anniversary

(New York Post)

Dunmore High School in Dunmore, Pennsylvania.
Four teenagers allegedly prepared for an attack on Dunmore High School in Pennsylvania to honor the 25th anniversary of the Columbine massacre.

Jake Danna Stevens/The Times-Tribune via AP

A group of Pennsylvania teens has been arrested for allegedly plotting a Columbine-style attack in their high school to mark the 25th anniversary of the Colorado massacre, reports said.

One of the busted teens was described by her mother as “obsessed with Columbine,” reports said.

The girl, 15, allegedly stockpiled dozens of Molotov cocktails at her home, and had bomb making materials along with handwritten lists of guns, ammunition and tactical gear, according to ABC News.

The teen, along with a 15-year-old boy, were both charged as adults while two other teens were charged as juveniles in the reported plan to attack Dunmore High School, near Scranton, Pa., in April 2024.

The alleged plot came to light when one of the kid’s parents found text messages from the students talking about wanting to “shoot up the school,” which they “hated,” according to WBRE/WYOU.

Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 12 students and a teacher at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, before they committed suicide.

“I think I’m gonna go with Klebold setup. A Tech-9 and a sawed off shotgun, but instead of a double barrel, I want one like Eric shot,” the 15-year-old girl wrote in a notebook,

This article was published at the New York Post. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

Colorado News

MHEN: The Arvada Center’s Minstrel Show – Racist Admission Policies

(Mile High Evening News)

Arvada Center with minstrels

Apparently, arts and culture in at the Arvada Center are a whites-preferred kind of thing.

While the Arvada Center happily recruits blacks to sing and dance for their overwhelmingly white audiences, they have instituted discriminatory audience policies that disproportionally target and exclude African American audience members.

As evidenced by research, blacks are significantly more vaccine-hesitant than whites due to real and perceived health injustices perpetrated by the government and the American medical establishment. This historical hesitancy, combined with the fact that vaccine side effects disproportionally affect blacks, creates a disparity in vaccination rates and make the vaccine/testing requirements of public institutions discriminatory against blacks – a fact that has led to Black Lives Matter leaders rightly identifying vaccine passports as a device of racism harkening back to the Jim Crow era.

According to the Arvada Center’s website, they have an “anti-racism” initiative that involves “a commitment to building an inclusive culture that reflects our diverse community and our core values as an organization.” The Center proudly claims to stand with Black Lives Matter, yet they have instituted an admission policy that demonstrates a complete lack of respect or caring for the concerns of black Americans who have made understandably different private medical decisions.

The Arvada Center claims their “mitigation” policies are for safety, apparently forgetting that vaccines are six times more dangerous than COVID-19 itself for young men,

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Colorado News National Headlines

Colorado university student busted with large cache of weapons on campus

(New York Post)

A university student in Colorado was arrested Tuesday for allegedly possessing a large cache of loaded weapons on campus grounds, authorities said.

Robert James Killis, 24, a student at Colorado State University-Pueblo, was tipped off to the authorities after allegedly threatening students and staffers on campus, according to Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office.

Witnesses also reported to the police that Killis said he liked to kill people, according to the sheriff’s office.

Detectives trailed Killis on Monday and spotted an ammunition box

This article was published at the New York Post. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

Colorado News

HERALD: Sheriff Bill Elder Endorses Eli Bremer for U.S. Senate

(The Colorado Herald)

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (September 22, 2021) – Today, El Paso County Sheriff Bill Elder endorsed Olympian and Air Force Veteran Eli Bremer in his race for U.S. Senate.

Elder said of his endorsement of Bremer, “having served in law enforcement for over four decades, I know the importance of leadership and service. I also know the importance of electing leaders who value and support our men and women of law enforcement. Eli Bremer will make a great senator not only because he stands strong in support of public safety for our families, but also because of his commonsense approach to the problems we face. I’m proud to give him my endorsement, and I encourage all Coloradans to get behind him.”

Emerging as not only a well-connected fundraiser and 14-year commissioned and reserved Air Force officer but also as a policy-based candidate with solid endorsements just beginning, Bremer wears many hats. He manages the largest grassroots Olympic sponsorship program in the nation. Bremer is also a four-time Olympic sports announcer for NBC, a global spokesman and consultant for Shaklee Corporation, and routinely advises small startup businesses.

The endorsements Bremer is able to secure add another facet to his candidacy. Elder’s endorsement specifically hints at several possible new aspects of Bremer’s campaign.

An endorsement by Sheriff Elder signals a law and order approach to conservative politics…a stance that prioritizes the ideals of public safety above a hands off approach to limited government.

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Colorado News

HERALD: McKayla Maroney Testimony Affirms The Devastating Impact of Authority Siding With Predators Like Larry Nassar… And Tay Anderson

(The Colorado Herald)

In June of 2021, just over 3 months ago, Denver Public School Board Director Tay Anderson faced a slew of alarming accusations from over 60 teens and children within the Denver Public School system, with claims ranging from unwanted flirtations to inappropriate private texts messages…up to and including horrific abuse and sexual violence.

Allegations include incidents of abuse against minors, with reputable sources noting that many of these children were undocumented immigrants. Several students were reported to have been forced to sign NDA’s under the threat of turning their parents into I.C.E. Testimony from a DPS educator, Mary-Katherine Brooks Fleming, to whom many of these victims went with their stories, outlined numerous incidents of sexual assault in graphic detail, in which multiple students in need of medical attention were afraid to seek it, out of fear of retaliation and/or deportation.

Subsequently, this tidal wave of horrifying allegations should have triggered a response from the rest of the school board to stand up and speak out on behalf of the students of DPS to quiet the fear and anxiety they might feel in knowing that an elected Board Member could have potentially abused their power in such a horrific way. The reaction from these elected officials, voted in by their constituents with the expectation that their primary job is to protect and advocate for the wellbeing of DPS children, should have been to assure the district that until a full investigation by all necessary authorities could be done – this potential predator would not be permitted anywhere near so much as a school sidewalk.

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