Colorado News National Headlines

Colorado Secretary of State Investigates County After Election Systems Passwords Posted Online

Authorities in Colorado this week said they are investigating after election systems passwords and other data were recently posted online. Passwords that were posted online were for individual hardware stations belonging to Mesa County, according to Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office. The secretary ordered Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters to provide surveillance video footage…

(The Epoch Times)

Authorities in Colorado this week said they are investigating after election systems passwords and other data were recently posted online.

Passwords that were posted online were for individual hardware stations belonging to Mesa County, according to Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office. The secretary ordered Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters to provide surveillance video footage and other documentation.

The breach, according to Griswold, “has not created an imminent direct security risk to Colorado’s elections” and it didn’t occur during an election, including the 2020 contest.

“Several items were published online that constituted a breach in the security protocols for Mesa County voting system components,” her office said in a statement. “The posted images depict the BIOS passwords specific to the individual hardware stations of Mesa County’s voting system. The public disclosure of the BIOS passwords for one or more components of Mesa County’s voting system alone constitutes a serious breach of voting system security protocols, as well as a violation” of other rules, she continued.

The sensitive data was published on social media platforms, the news release said, although it did not say what website. It occurred after the software was installed in Mesa County on May 25, 2021, it added.

“We have these security protocols in place for a reason,” Griswold told a local media outlet on Monday. “This is a very serious breach in chain-of-custody and security protocols.”

In the interview, Griswold said that if Peters can’t provide proof of the chain of custody, the voting equipment in Mesa County will be decertified.

The secretary noted that potential criminal charges could be filed as a result of the breach, but didn’t say whether Peters or another election official would be held liable, according to the

This article was published at the Epoch Times. Read it in its entirety here. Read More

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